Sunday, July 25, 2010

What is a Dwarf Hamster's Lifespan?

Dwarf hamster's life expectancy is unfortunately not terribly long. The average lifespan is about two years, although with special care, that may be extended to as long as five years. The key to extending your dwarf hamster's life expectancy is to provide an ideal habitat and excellent care.


Possibly the greatest factor in your dwarf hamster's life expectancy is the food you choose to feed him. Pet stores offer an array of options. Some hamster food is immediately dubious, because of the neon-dyed sunflower seeds. Small hamster bodies do not cope well with artificial colorings and flavors. Natural foods that are formulated specifically for hamsters are the best choice, and if it's been made for your particular breed of hamster, even better.

Vegetables, such as broccoli or carrots are an appropriate supplement to the hamster's regular food. Unsalted nuts, bits of boiled chicken and even dog biscuits will be appreciated. However, to extend the their life expectancy, it is best to go organic. And always avoid sugary treats, which can lead to diabetes.


Fresh water is the fundamental need of all living things. Unfortunately, many water supplies are tainted, which will negatively impact your pets life expectancy. A simple and inexpensive water purification system will remove chlorine, heavy metals and other toxins. Water should be offered in a suspended bottle with a metal tip. A bowl of water can spill and result in wet bedding, which leads to illness.


Another simple way to increase your dwarf hamster's life expectancy is to provide proper housing, situated away from drafts. Cages should be kept clean, and the bedding changed at least once a week. The bedding should consist of aspen shavings or shredded paper. Cedar and pine beddings cause allergic reactions that shorten a hamster's lifespan.


Adequate activity levels will extend their life expectancy as well. Hamsters need ample room for exercise. Allow three square feet of space for the first hamster, and add one square foot for each additional hamster. An exercise wheel is vital, since a hamster would run many miles each night in its native habitat. A solid wheel will accommodate your pets tiny feet, and prevent injury.


Even boredom can shorten their life expectancy. In the wild, a hamster would have endless variety in his environment in the form of tunnels, vegetation, and burrows. Pet stores and online sources offer approximations of the wild environment - minus the predators - and your dwarf hamster will respond positively to new and exciting places to explore.


Tender, loving care will increase your pets lifespan. These creatures are easy to tame and respond well to daily touch and affection. Inappropriate handling can cause stress, and stress kills. Learn the proper way to hold your hamster, avoid picking it up while it's asleep, and don't let it fall from heights. In time, your pet will be just as fond of you as you are of him.

Although a potential owner may be discouraged by the statistics on the hamster's average lifespan, providing extra care by adhering to these simple guidelines could significantly increase your beloved dwarf hamster's life expectancy.

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