While their population is not dwindling, the hermit crab is most difficult to breed in captivity. In their natural environment, they mate by the edge of the waters and bury their eggs in the sand. However, when in captivity, if these conditions are not simulated, it is likely that you will never see results.
There are over 500 species of hermit crabs in the world, however, only a handful of the different species exist in the United States. Two of which are the Coenobita clypeatus and the Coenobita compressus, which are the most common of the breed found in pet stores in the United States.
These exotic animals are born with a soft exoskeleton that he must find a salvaged shell to protect. When hermit crab breeding, it will be necessary to have a variety of shells to offer the newborns. Do not expect instant glory however, this crab breeding can take over a month and results may never be seen. There are a few conditions that will increase your odds of breeding your exotic pet and that will be by building a shallow pond.
Step One;
set up your water tank in your home or build an outdoor garden pond simulating the natural environment of these crabs.
Step Two:
It will be necessary to set up a device that simulates the ocean waves which is vital when hermit crab breeding, as these crabs are attracted to the motion of the waves and many Zoologists claim that it actually helps in breeding.
Step Three:
Moonlight bulbs should be set up around your pond or tank. These crabs are especially fond of mating at night and this will encourage the crabs to mate. They will also perform a mating dance, which is quite entertaining.
Step Four:
Make certain that you have both a male and a female hermit crab before beginning.
Step Five:
Adjust the temperature in the aquarium or pond to be between 72 and 80 degrees. If the temperature drops below 72 degrees it will affect the wellness of these crabs.
Step Six:
Keep the tank or pond's air clean, the lighting full and the temperature set at the proper level, and the water salty. You will also need to include extra calcium in your hermit crabs diet during mating especially. Visit your local pet store and pick up a liquid formula that can be added to their food.
Step Seven:
Place the hermit crabs together and allow Mother Nature to perform her magic. Do not get discouraged or expect to see results right away. This exotic animal breeding is a lengthy process which will take a great deal of time. However, when you see newborns running around, you will know that you had success. Be prepared for the babies and have an adequate supply of shells to offer. Make sure that you have a tank with plenty of room to include the newborns as well. Good luck with your hermit crab breeding and please take all precautions to ensure a healthy breeding and a healthy life.