Ferret proofing the house
To keep the ferrets in good condition, they need a place to play. However, to apply the proper ferret care, making sure the house is ferret proof is a necessity. There should be no holes, loose boards, open drains or easy to open doors. Also no rubber or plastic items should be present, and make sure that there are no toxic cleaners or plants around. To prevent "accidents", litter boxes should be placed in all corners of the room. When all these requirements are met, a ferret proof playroom has been created.
Time to play
Ferrets are curious animals that like to push and roll things. It is up to their human companions to make sure that what they play with won't harm them. There is a whole range of items that are perfect for Ferrets to play with.
toys to use and toys to avoid
Picking the right ferret toys is easy. Hard plastic balls (with or without bells inside), tennis balls, wooden spools from thread, baby toys and cloth toys are fine. Plastic drainage pipes (about 4 inches wide) also make fine ferret toys as they love to run through them. Never give them soft plastic, or rubber toys and also avoid toys with parts that easily come off.
Taking your Ferret for a walk
There are ferret owners that take their pets outdoors using a leash and a harness. Male ferrets like this approach better then female ferrets. The males will keep pace as you walk with them, but only if they want to go in the same direction. Walking a Ferret can be compared to walking a cat and before attempting it, this should be practiced indoors before an attempt is made to take the ferret outside. Be sure to use a harness as a collar simply won't do, especially after the walk when you try to take it off. A harness makes everything easier and safer, as it allows you to lift up your pet, out of harm's way in the event a dog or a cat suddenly appears. The most secure type of harness is the "H" type, but a figure 8 should do fine as well.
A word of caution
When walking with your ferret you can be sure to attract attention. Children may come up and reach out to touch the ferret. Be sure to warn them before that happens. Pet ferrets respond fast to what they perceive as danger. They are fast to nip someone that comes at them the wrong way. In the case of such an event, the owner of the ferret is responsible, and while a rabies shot is available, it is still new and not yet fully tested. In order to obtain the required tissue for testing if the animal indeed carries rabies, the ferret must be killed. With this in mind it is safe to say that it is better to be safe than sorry.