Sunday, July 25, 2010

What is a Dwarf Hamster's Lifespan?

Dwarf hamster's life expectancy is unfortunately not terribly long. The average lifespan is about two years, although with special care, that may be extended to as long as five years. The key to extending your dwarf hamster's life expectancy is to provide an ideal habitat and excellent care.


Possibly the greatest factor in your dwarf hamster's life expectancy is the food you choose to feed him. Pet stores offer an array of options. Some hamster food is immediately dubious, because of the neon-dyed sunflower seeds. Small hamster bodies do not cope well with artificial colorings and flavors. Natural foods that are formulated specifically for hamsters are the best choice, and if it's been made for your particular breed of hamster, even better.

Vegetables, such as broccoli or carrots are an appropriate supplement to the hamster's regular food. Unsalted nuts, bits of boiled chicken and even dog biscuits will be appreciated. However, to extend the their life expectancy, it is best to go organic. And always avoid sugary treats, which can lead to diabetes.


Fresh water is the fundamental need of all living things. Unfortunately, many water supplies are tainted, which will negatively impact your pets life expectancy. A simple and inexpensive water purification system will remove chlorine, heavy metals and other toxins. Water should be offered in a suspended bottle with a metal tip. A bowl of water can spill and result in wet bedding, which leads to illness.


Another simple way to increase your dwarf hamster's life expectancy is to provide proper housing, situated away from drafts. Cages should be kept clean, and the bedding changed at least once a week. The bedding should consist of aspen shavings or shredded paper. Cedar and pine beddings cause allergic reactions that shorten a hamster's lifespan.


Adequate activity levels will extend their life expectancy as well. Hamsters need ample room for exercise. Allow three square feet of space for the first hamster, and add one square foot for each additional hamster. An exercise wheel is vital, since a hamster would run many miles each night in its native habitat. A solid wheel will accommodate your pets tiny feet, and prevent injury.


Even boredom can shorten their life expectancy. In the wild, a hamster would have endless variety in his environment in the form of tunnels, vegetation, and burrows. Pet stores and online sources offer approximations of the wild environment - minus the predators - and your dwarf hamster will respond positively to new and exciting places to explore.


Tender, loving care will increase your pets lifespan. These creatures are easy to tame and respond well to daily touch and affection. Inappropriate handling can cause stress, and stress kills. Learn the proper way to hold your hamster, avoid picking it up while it's asleep, and don't let it fall from heights. In time, your pet will be just as fond of you as you are of him.

Although a potential owner may be discouraged by the statistics on the hamster's average lifespan, providing extra care by adhering to these simple guidelines could significantly increase your beloved dwarf hamster's life expectancy.

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All About Ferrets

Can ferrets be pets?

The answer is yes just like owning a cat or a dog. All you have to do is provide them with the same kind of attention you would with any other animal you choose to have at home so they will be able to stay with you for a long time.

Ferrets are considered to be "unusual" in the pet industry because a lot of people would still prefer a bird, cat, dog, fish or hamster. Whether you are trying to get a pet ferret, living with someone who is crazy about ferrets or simply interested on the nuances of these musk-producing mammals, there are a few basic things that you can consider first as you get started with your ferret passions.

Biological Structure

Ferrets are like skunk's cousins since they are also able to produce musk. Some countries allow that the glands responsible for their musk production be cut so that they will not stink as much, In fact, some states in North America and a few countries do not even allow you to own a ferret.

They are furry creatures with natural oils that make them shiny and smooth. Frequent bathing may remove some of these oils, but they are not really the type who resists regular showers. They also have the tendency to get long nails so a consistent nail-cutting session is in order for ferret owner wannabes.

Color, Type and Age

There are many different colors available for aspiring pet owners. The younger the ferret is, the more delicate they are and difficult to maintain. But then you get the privilege to train them for their relatively short life span, normal 7-10 years

As they grow older, they seek company of other ferrets. Older ferrets, may actually display domination or superiority to the younger ferrets. They also have the tendency to develop cliques and may not be as open to accept new ferrets in their circle easily.

Behavior, Habits and Idiosyncrasies

By nature, ferrets are adventurous and curious creatures. You will have to set them free from their cages at dusk or dawn so that they can roam and satiate their curiosity and be happy under your care. They like dancing in a strange manner when excited and may even look like ready to attack but in reality, they are just expressing their glee.


Since ferrets are highly adventurous creatures, you will have to have them checked frequently. They may have the tendency to swallow objects that can be poisonous or damaging to their digestive tracts. On top of that, they may be prey to some other animals like snakes and hawks.


This question has been frequently asked by interested parties who are considering getting a pet ferret. But there are actually many possible answers to this question, depending on which angle you choose to see it.

Normal the average store or breeder ferrets will cost around $100 with Premium breed ferrets costing $200 plus. Cages and supplies will normal cost around $100. Finally there will be the cost of a quality vet visit for your new friend.


Ferrets are now considered to be the third most popular pet in the United States. If you think you have the time to spend with such a cute little animal, go ahead and get one. You may not bring it around the neighborhood like a dog but you can spend quality time in the comforts of your home.

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All About Ferrets

Can ferrets be pets?

The answer is yes just like owning a cat or a dog. All you have to do is provide them with the same kind of attention you would with any other animal you choose to have at home so they will be able to stay with you for a long time.

Ferrets are considered to be "unusual" in the pet industry because a lot of people would still prefer a bird, cat, dog, fish or hamster. Whether you are trying to get a pet ferret, living with someone who is crazy about ferrets or simply interested on the nuances of these musk-producing mammals, there are a few basic things that you can consider first as you get started with your ferret passions.

Biological Structure

Ferrets are like skunk's cousins since they are also able to produce musk. Some countries allow that the glands responsible for their musk production be cut so that they will not stink as much, In fact, some states in North America and a few countries do not even allow you to own a ferret.

They are furry creatures with natural oils that make them shiny and smooth. Frequent bathing may remove some of these oils, but they are not really the type who resists regular showers. They also have the tendency to get long nails so a consistent nail-cutting session is in order for ferret owner wannabes.

Color, Type and Age

There are many different colors available for aspiring pet owners. The younger the ferret is, the more delicate they are and difficult to maintain. But then you get the privilege to train them for their relatively short life span, normal 7-10 years

As they grow older, they seek company of other ferrets. Older ferrets, may actually display domination or superiority to the younger ferrets. They also have the tendency to develop cliques and may not be as open to accept new ferrets in their circle easily.

Behavior, Habits and Idiosyncrasies

By nature, ferrets are adventurous and curious creatures. You will have to set them free from their cages at dusk or dawn so that they can roam and satiate their curiosity and be happy under your care. They like dancing in a strange manner when excited and may even look like ready to attack but in reality, they are just expressing their glee.


Since ferrets are highly adventurous creatures, you will have to have them checked frequently. They may have the tendency to swallow objects that can be poisonous or damaging to their digestive tracts. On top of that, they may be prey to some other animals like snakes and hawks.


This question has been frequently asked by interested parties who are considering getting a pet ferret. But there are actually many possible answers to this question, depending on which angle you choose to see it.

Normal the average store or breeder ferrets will cost around $100 with Premium breed ferrets costing $200 plus. Cages and supplies will normal cost around $100. Finally there will be the cost of a quality vet visit for your new friend.


Ferrets are now considered to be the third most popular pet in the United States. If you think you have the time to spend with such a cute little animal, go ahead and get one. You may not bring it around the neighborhood like a dog but you can spend quality time in the comforts of your home.

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Rabbits Are Very Popular Pets For Kids

Children are very fond of rabbits as they are cute looking and do not weigh more than 2.5kg to 3 kg when small. Their nosy look and sniffing excites the children, but they are docile creatures. They have a very thin lifeline; therefore, they should be delicately treated and handled. The animals are easily disturbed and any discomforts to them, met with aggressiveness, like biting, scratching or making you chase after it.

Adequate care should be provided to the rabbits at home. You must have a separate large cage that is regularly cleaned to keep the animal healthy. The animal should have the liberty to move around when not in cage. Rabbits love fresh vegetables, clean drinking water. Their quantity of intake should increase according to their growth. Fresh hay is good for their health. They love radish, sprouts, beet, carrot, spinach and almost all vegetables that people consume.

Rabbits can live up to ten years or more with homely care. If you leave them outdoors all the time, they may not endure that long because of predators. Wild rabbit cannot be tamed at home. There is dwarf variety of rabbit that has the similar behavioral pattern of domestic rabbits but are lesser in weight. Proper vet treatment is essential for infant rabbits. They see the world around them after ten days of delivery.

Rabbits shed fur every four months that make the home dirty. The rabbit is otherwise a good choice for children if the child is not naughty. They dislike rough treatment and become aggressive. If the child is quiet then both of them will make good friends. Their major disadvantage is constant chewing habit even electrical chords. Therefore, elderly control is essential when they are moving outside the cage.

There are over forty five types of rabbits available, which many people do not know. Therefore, they mistakenly select some unknown breed from the pet store. Selecting a perfectly bred rabbit is as difficult as getting a pedigree pup. They divide into groups, by their body- size and shape. Whatever breed you buy keeping them in the right cage is crucial for their growth and health. If you keep the animal indoors, then an indoor rabbit hutch is perfect choice. An outdoor hutch is useful for keeping rabbits outside.

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Saturday, July 24, 2010

Your Best Options For Hamster Care and Problems

Hamsters can make wonderful pets. But it is important to know what you are getting into before you decide to bring one into your home. Here are a few tips to keep in mind.

Basic hamster care

Hamsters in the wild eat grains, vegetables, seeds, grasses, insects and fruit. So in captivity, they need a broad selection of different kinds foods to obtain all of their essential nutrients. Since they naturally store food in the pouches of their mouth, it may not be necessary to provide food everyday. It is also important to remove uneaten food from the cage periodically so that it doesn't spoil.

Fresh water is best delivered from a feeding bottle, since water dishes can spill and wet the bottom of the cage. Hamsters should never be bathed, since water can remove the natural oils from their coat which help regulate their body heat.

Provide a clean and safe environment. The cage needs to be large enough so that they can get enough exercise to stay healthy. It needs to be located away from drafts and temperature extremes and on a surface where there is no danger of it falling or being knocked over.

toys, tubes and wheels are important for exercise and mental stimulation. Solid wheels are safer than wheels with rungs, which can injure their feet and legs.

Common hamster problems

As a responsible pet owner, you will need to know which foods are dangerous to tits health. After all, it can only eat the foods you provide, so your hamster's good nutrition depends entirely on you. Take the time to learn which foods can make your pet sick or die.

Being dropped, jumping and falling can break a hamster's delicate bones. Any height more than about 8 inches could cause serious injuries. Hamster balls should never be used on a table or stairway or any surface that it could fall from, since the fall can cause broken legs or a broken back.

Accidental breeding is actually a serious problem that can result from not keeping males separated from the females. Since mature females are in heat about every 4 days, the gestation period is less than 3 weeks, and litters can be as large as 14 pups, the potential for a population explosion within one single month is extremely high. Also, since pet hamster stock is extremely inbred, there is a high chance that many of the offspring will be weak or have genetic health problems. You can prevent a lot of problems and heartache by keeping the genders apart.

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Why Do Cats Hiss at People?

Cats hiss for a variety of reasons. They may be frightened, hurt, upset at something or someone or perhaps they have just 'had enough'. I'm sure we've all had days like that. A genuine hiss is when your cat draws back his lips and bares his teeth before expelling the air in his lungs through the teeth.

Normally a cat hiss is a defensive reaction. You may have moved suddenly and your cat is frightened by this so it hisses. A loud or unexpected noise will often produce a hiss. I have known cats to hiss at visitors when they came to the house. By working out what the problem was, we were able to fix it. Apparently the cat was frightened by the door bell. By 'conditioning' the cat to hearing the door bell with the door open and a familiar person standing there talking gently, he soon got over his fear. And by having the visitors get down to floor and cat level to talk to the cat and pet it, the cat no longer associated those people with the noise.

A cat may hiss at children who have played too roughly or inadvertently hurt or teased it. The hiss is a warning to stop what is being done. If the behavior continues, the cat might hiss again more loudly then strike out with claws and/or teeth. Children need to be taught the correct way to play with and pick up cats. And it is very important that they learn what a hiss means. Unfortunately it will possibly take a few scratches before some children learn.

Sometimes you may be stroking or petting your cat while it lies on your lap only to find it suddenly start hissing at you. Petting induced hissing is your cat's way of saying 'enough stroking, I just want to go to sleep now'. This will usually be a gentle hiss with no aggression attached. One of my cats will hiss and purr at the same time, which amuses my family greatly.

Cats are very intelligent creatures and if they have been mistreated, they will remember it for a very long time. If they see someone they think may have hurt them, they will hiss aggressively and back away. Sometimes they may hiss for no reason you can fathom. It could be a smell that has reminded them of an unpleasant time or person.

Some cats will hiss at strangers as they believe they are defending their territory against intruders. It is up to you and your visitors to calm the cat. Make sure your visitors don't stare at the hissing cat as this may be interpreted as aggression. By looking away from it, they are no longer threatening it.

Some cats will try to become the 'alpha' person in the home. They will hiss at you for no apparent reason other than to try to intimidate you. If this happens, just ignore your cat and walk away. If the behavior continues, try shutting the cat in the bathroom or laundry for half an hour. Then when you let him out, pet him and talk gently. If he starts hissing again, put him back in the closed room. He will eventually learn that hissing is only going to get him banished and that you, not him, is the 'alpha' person.

Cats hiss at people for so many different reasons and with different types of hisses. It is up to us to work out what the problem is and to fix it before it escalates into something more painful.

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What to Do When Your Pet Pees Or Poops in the House - Some Simple Clean Up Methods

The first thing that should be noted when something like this happens it's not because the animal wanted to make you mad. So you need to be calm and collective when dealing with the pet. There are many reasons a pet may decide to use the floor as its restroom:

1.) The pet is still in training. They may have gotten two excited and didn't realize they had to use the bathroom and then they just go where they are.
2.) The pet something medically wrong with them.
3.) If a cat they may not like the litter provided or the litter is dirty.
4.) Some people may confuse peeing with marking their territory. This is based on the position of the animal when peeing.
5.) Some animal may pee because they are upset with you or a situation.

The first thing you want to do after an animal has urinated or defecated in an area is clean it up. If it's a medical issue it could infect other animals. Wipe up the mess and then find a good cleaner. There are many cleaners out there that will get rid of the smell. It's best to use something that is made for getting rid of pet odors. Also a mixture of vinegar and water (50/50) works for a more natural solution compared to harsh cleaners. These spots need to be cleaned up well because if it's just a behavior issue then they will not use it in future as a potty spot.

After cleaning you may want to rule out any medical issues. There are many different issues that could affect the animal that could be related to messing in the house. Once you have rules out medical if it's a cat you can try a different litter as they may not like the one provided or make sure it's cleaned on a daily basis. If you have more then one cat you should have a litter box for each of them plus one extra.

If it's a marking problem the animal may need to be spayed or neutered. This may not get rid of the problem entirely but it could reduce the problem.

Remember that hitting or yelling at your pet is only make them ignore you and make them scared of you. They do understand those type of discipline and only positive reinforcement is the best way to resolve the a behavior problem.

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Thursday, July 22, 2010

Fascinating Syrian Hamster Facts

Although there are several types of hamsters occurring in the wild, only five are commonly kept as household pets. And though there are several differences between the breeds that make them each unique, there are traits common to all hamsters, regardless of type. Chief among these traits is lifespan - the average hamster has a lifespan of roughly 1000 days, or just a little under three years, with male hamsters living on average just a bit longer than females.

All hamsters have cheek pouches which they use to carry food, or in cases of danger, their young. Also common among all hamsters is the presence of scent glands, although the location of these glands differs depending on the type of hamster.

All hamsters reach breeding age in roughly 6-8 weeks, with a very short pregnancy lasting only 15 days. The size of the litter averages about 6-8 pups. As you may already know, hamsters are very susceptible to stress, with new mothers being particularly so. If this occurs it's not unusual for the new mother to eat her newborn pups, so it's important to keep stress to an absolute minimum for new hamster mothers.

One of the most common pet hamster breeds, the Syrian hamster is also commonly known as the Teddy Bear hamster, Fancy hamster, and the Golden hamster, among others. Syrian hamsters grow to a full size of about 7 inches in length, with the females usually a bit longer than the males.

If you buy a Syrian from the pet store you may see several young Syrian hamsters kept in the same cage - this is very misleading as Syrian hamsters are extremely territorial and will fight to the death with any other hamster they are caged with. The only reason the Syrian hamsters you see in pet stores aren't fighting when you buy them is that they don't develop their territorial nature until about age 6 weeks. After that the rule is one Syrian hamster per cage!

Here's a story from Tammy Crum, a well-respected hamster breeder:

"A previous partner of mine used a shelving system to store the hamster, with Syrians on top. They were in a fish tank and somehow got out landed in a tank with Roborovskis. Needless to say that by the time he discovered the missing culprit all the Robs were dead."

Given their large size, Syrian hamsters are more easily held for longer periods of time than dwarf hamsters as they tend not to tire as easily. Another interesting fact about Syrian hamsters is that, even though they have the nickname Golden hamster, they come in over 40 different color types. This is achieved through today's advanced breeding techniques, allowing for a range of color and fur length.

Most Syrian hamsters, like all other hamster breeds, do not require any grooming on your part. The only exception to this is the Long Haired Syrian hamster. In this case a simple toothbrush can be used to remove any bedding material that may be caught up in his fur.

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3 Essential Ferret Owner Tips When Learning How to Take Care of a Ferret

There are many things to learn when learning how to take care of a ferret, but they are all very simple. However, you need to ensure you understand the responsibility on you as mother, father and family of your new pet ferret. When actually deciding how and where to house your ferret, consider these 3 essentials ingredients properly and you and your new fuzzy will have many happy years together.


Safety of your ferret should be top of your list when looking at where and in what you are going to keep your pet ferret. You do not want him escaping, injuring himself or being hurt by other animals or pets.

Get a proper ferret cage. This is important as other cages are totally unsuitable. You need the spaces between the bars to be right, so that fuzzy can not get that nosey head of his between them. Also this ensures that other animals or pets can't either.

When looking at where to put the cage, you should be avoiding radiators or other heaters. You want a good steady temperature for your pet ferret to be healthy.


I am talking about inside and out when considering the space required to take care of a ferret.

Inside, means a good sized cage, with 2 levels if possible. Your new ferret needs plenty of room to be able to sleep comfortably and play, to keep him stimulated when not out of it and exercising with you.

That cage I going to have to have a litter tray in it ideally, so take that into account when you choose. Buy the best that money can buy. Do not go cheap, as there is usually a reason for that. You don't want to find the bars rusting in 3 months time, do you?

Outside make sure you have a good space to play, which is free of dangerous temptations, such as electric flex and wire, children's toys and human food. None of these lead to a long life for ferrets


Let's face it animals poop and ferrets are no different. It's not the most pleasant thing in life, but we all have to do it! But your ferret can't clean his own up, that's down to you my friend. But there are ways to make this easier. First of all buy a cage with plenty of space for a litter box or tray and train your ferret to use it. This is actually easier than it sounds. This way everything is in one place and cleaning is a simple process.

You have to keep that cage clean and change the bedding regularly. If you don't you are storing up problems which could come out in diseases and illness for your little prince.

Make sure you have other litter boxes and trays outside the cage as well which you can train your ferret to use.

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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

How to Care For Pet Ferrets Properly

There are many ways on how to care for pet ferrets. However, to make things simple for you, there are certain areas that need to be prioritized. There are no classes for pet owners and there certainly are no do-over's when it comes to caring for pets but there is such thing as a learning curve and this is what you need to concentrate on.

There is a proper way on how to care for pet ferrets and the best way to master the right way is to make it a habit. Once you become a ferret owner, you will realize that you have a responsibility to care for your pet the way parents care for their little ones.


Ferrets need to be feed regularly. There are ferret foods that are readily available in pet stores and even in some groceries. You have to remember that ferrets have a very fast metabolic rate. This entails the need for constant nourishment that you need to provide. They hardly ever eat outside of what they need for their energy requirement. This means that you do not have to monitor their eating habits or whether or not they have been eating too much food. They only eat what they need for their body to function well.


Just because ferrets are always in cages does not mean that you can allow them to get filthy. Remember that bacteria proliferates in dirty areas and more so in dirty living organisms. If you want your ferret to live long and happy, you have to make sure that they are clean and free of any disease or bacteria that may jeopardize their health. You can bathe these animals at least thrice a week. If this is a hassle, at least make sure that their cages are clean and that they have been properly littered trained.


Just like rats, cats, and dogs, ferrets can be carrier of rabies as well so you have to make certain that they have had their shot even before you take them home from the breeders, the pet store, or the shelter. Secure the necessary papers and if you are not sure, consult with a veterinarian so that preventive measures can be taken. This is for the safety of your pet as well as your family.

Playing time

Ferrets love to play. In fact, they spend about 80% of their entire life span doing exactly this. Knowing this fact, you should be able to provide toys such s balls, slides etc so that they will be entertained and their curiosity satisfied. These are highly intelligent creatures. You will be surprised at the things that they can accomplish with a single round object or few crumbs of wood shaving. You have to indulge their energy in a positive way so that they will have a healthy outlet instead of becoming testy, aggressive, and aloof to humans.

In all, you have to be very creative and open minded when dealing with ferret care. It is not a walk in the park but it is not rocket science either. You just have to let it happen naturally, and if you heart is really in it, you will make a great pet ferret owner.

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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Making The Hermit Crab Habitat - Setting Up His Tank

Hermit crabs aren't overly fussy about their surroundings except to have the environment clean and warm. Unless you live in a tropical environment, you will need a heater. Crabs don't need elaborate surroundings, but you should make what surroundings she has into something familiar and comforting - we're looking for a simple tropical paradise here. Read on to learn about the essentials.

So you have your glass or plastic tank that's pretty tall. Our crab friends really like to escape so you'll need a cover over the top. Plexiglas is a good choice. There often are "Hermit Crab Kits" in some pet stores. Steer clear of them as they are not large enough for a suitable home. A proper figure for the size of a tank is about 10 gallons, but in this case, the bigger the better. Your crab will want you to supply him some friendly company. They are very social beings. And it is not unusual to find them all piled on top of each other in the wild.

If you decide that you want the bottom to have common sand, then you might want to dry and bake it, which will sterilize it for a nice fresh substrate. Aside from sand, you might like something more unusual. Some of these are made for reptiles, but work well for crabs, as well. The first is coconut fiber-based bedding. The fiber is ground so finely it looks like soil. It's a great burrowing medium. You can also consider crushed coral. What you want to avoid are gravel and wood shavings.

Again, let me emphasize how important proper humidity is. Remember they do breathe through gills. If the humidity is too low, the crab will surely die of suffocation. What you can do is just give her the water dish which can increase the humidity in her tank. You can also put a natural sea sponge in the dish as well. The sponge alone holds a lot of water. It also has a large surface area to create humidity. It may or may not be a great idea as the sponge can promote bacterial issues that smell likes sulphur - very unpleasant. If that happens I'm certain you will want to take another route and put marbles in the water dish. If you decide to do that and a small crab falls into the water dish, he will have something to fall on and grab onto.

As important as humidity and temperature are toys to keep your pets busy climbing. In the wild they climb up on rocks to eat. You don't have to be fancy with this either. If you have broken pottery that is not painted, clam shells, rocks, anything that hasn't been treated can serve as a hiding place. Make sure your pet friend can get out of any of her toys. They do have a sense of humor, and they play a great deal of the time. Remember to keep that top on because if they have these toys they will climb up and out of the tank. Those plastic plants you put in your fish tank? Well, they work well, too. Just make certain that the crab is not eating the plastic as it will kill him.

There should be variety in their diet. They adore coconut shavings, and also eat peanut butter, hard-boiled eggs and egg shells. Be aware of giving them anything that may have been sprayed with a pesticide. Buy organic fruits and vegetables just to be sure that you are not poisoning your friend. Remember, too, that salt water is where they bathe. Fresh water is what they drink.

A very good rule of thumb is that if you are not positively sure that what you are giving your pet is healthy, ask someone who knows. Hermit crabs are very sensitive to additives of any kind. Things you wouldn't even imagine. If you want to give her some meat, make sure that meat hasn't been marinated. It's a better bet to give her raw meat, and not worry about what condiments have been added.
Just like nearly all pets, try to avoid buying or using anything from the pet store. They are usually fairly toxic and the crab specimens are usually sluggish and dirty. You can order good, healthy crabs and stick to the organic regimen, and all will be well.

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Monday, July 19, 2010

Dwarf Hamster Information

Dwarf hamster information is good to know on a smaller hamster that in size gets between 2 to 4 inches depending on the type of dwarf hamster you get. There are your Chinese Dwarf hamsters, Campbell's Russian hamsters, Winter White Russian hamsters, and Roborovski hamsters that are a part of the dwarf family of hamsters. These hamsters are also known as pocket pets, because of their size where they actually fit in your pocket. You can do this but I would not recommend it unless the hamster has your undivided attention or you may forget that your pet is in your pocket or they could jump out and get seriously hurt.

Dwarf hamsters are a native to the desert areas of Siberia, North China, Northern Russia, and Mongolia. These hamsters are from the wild of the deserts and a part of the rodent family. Over a time period they became domesticated and bred for pets. They are nocturnal animals and live in borrows with many tunnels and chambers. They sleep during the day to avoid the heat and predators. They go out during the evening and night time hours to gather their food and bedding materials. The traits that they have help them to detect food and movement. Dwarf hamsters have expandable cheek pouches to carry food and bedding they do and will travel many miles to get their food and bedding. They are also very fast animals even though they are so little.

More dwarf hamster information to know about is that these tiny creatures do not have good eye sight. They can not see colors but make up in their sense of smell and hearing. They also are very fragile but flexible; their legs are short, fury bodies with a stripe down their back. These tiny hamsters are skittish, easily to escape ones hands or cages due to they are very quick, and they are very delicate due to their size. Their appearance, temperament, personality, and size are unique for each of these different types of dwarf hamsters.

Dwarf hamsters will eat almost anything they find that is edible but it is best not to let them have just anything. This could be fatal if they do not get the proper food or toys for them. Their teeth are very sharp and can chew on or nip at anything, including your fingers, plastic, wood, and their treats and food.

These hamsters can not have a rapid temperature change this will make a very sick hamster and could cause death. Dwarfs are very active pets; they will run in a wheel for many miles each day and if you have a tubular cage set up this little one will keep you entertained for quite some time. Even when they groom themselves it is fun to watch.

These little hamsters make wonderful pets for you especially if you want a pet that is caged and easy to care for. There is a lot of information you will need out there. Just make sure you find all the dwarf hamster information you can to have a healthy, happy and loving pet.

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Sunday, July 18, 2010

All the Steps to Hermit Crab Breeding

While their population is not dwindling, the hermit crab is most difficult to breed in captivity. In their natural environment, they mate by the edge of the waters and bury their eggs in the sand. However, when in captivity, if these conditions are not simulated, it is likely that you will never see results.

There are over 500 species of hermit crabs in the world, however, only a handful of the different species exist in the United States. Two of which are the Coenobita clypeatus and the Coenobita compressus, which are the most common of the breed found in pet stores in the United States.

These exotic animals are born with a soft exoskeleton that he must find a salvaged shell to protect. When hermit crab breeding, it will be necessary to have a variety of shells to offer the newborns. Do not expect instant glory however, this crab breeding can take over a month and results may never be seen. There are a few conditions that will increase your odds of breeding your exotic pet and that will be by building a shallow pond.

Step One;
set up your water tank in your home or build an outdoor garden pond simulating the natural environment of these crabs.

Step Two:
It will be necessary to set up a device that simulates the ocean waves which is vital when hermit crab breeding, as these crabs are attracted to the motion of the waves and many Zoologists claim that it actually helps in breeding.

Step Three:
Moonlight bulbs should be set up around your pond or tank. These crabs are especially fond of mating at night and this will encourage the crabs to mate. They will also perform a mating dance, which is quite entertaining.

Step Four:
Make certain that you have both a male and a female hermit crab before beginning.

Step Five:
Adjust the temperature in the aquarium or pond to be between 72 and 80 degrees. If the temperature drops below 72 degrees it will affect the wellness of these crabs.

Step Six:
Keep the tank or pond's air clean, the lighting full and the temperature set at the proper level, and the water salty. You will also need to include extra calcium in your hermit crabs diet during mating especially. Visit your local pet store and pick up a liquid formula that can be added to their food.

Step Seven:
Place the hermit crabs together and allow Mother Nature to perform her magic. Do not get discouraged or expect to see results right away. This exotic animal breeding is a lengthy process which will take a great deal of time. However, when you see newborns running around, you will know that you had success. Be prepared for the babies and have an adequate supply of shells to offer. Make sure that you have a tank with plenty of room to include the newborns as well. Good luck with your hermit crab breeding and please take all precautions to ensure a healthy breeding and a healthy life.

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All the Steps to Hermit Crab Breeding

While their population is not dwindling, the hermit crab is most difficult to breed in captivity. In their natural environment, they mate by the edge of the waters and bury their eggs in the sand. However, when in captivity, if these conditions are not simulated, it is likely that you will never see results.

There are over 500 species of hermit crabs in the world, however, only a handful of the different species exist in the United States. Two of which are the Coenobita clypeatus and the Coenobita compressus, which are the most common of the breed found in pet stores in the United States.

These exotic animals are born with a soft exoskeleton that he must find a salvaged shell to protect. When hermit crab breeding, it will be necessary to have a variety of shells to offer the newborns. Do not expect instant glory however, this crab breeding can take over a month and results may never be seen. There are a few conditions that will increase your odds of breeding your exotic pet and that will be by building a shallow pond.

Step One;
set up your water tank in your home or build an outdoor garden pond simulating the natural environment of these crabs.

Step Two:
It will be necessary to set up a device that simulates the ocean waves which is vital when hermit crab breeding, as these crabs are attracted to the motion of the waves and many Zoologists claim that it actually helps in breeding.

Step Three:
Moonlight bulbs should be set up around your pond or tank. These crabs are especially fond of mating at night and this will encourage the crabs to mate. They will also perform a mating dance, which is quite entertaining.

Step Four:
Make certain that you have both a male and a female hermit crab before beginning.

Step Five:
Adjust the temperature in the aquarium or pond to be between 72 and 80 degrees. If the temperature drops below 72 degrees it will affect the wellness of these crabs.

Step Six:
Keep the tank or pond's air clean, the lighting full and the temperature set at the proper level, and the water salty. You will also need to include extra calcium in your hermit crabs diet during mating especially. Visit your local pet store and pick up a liquid formula that can be added to their food.

Step Seven:
Place the hermit crabs together and allow Mother Nature to perform her magic. Do not get discouraged or expect to see results right away. This exotic animal breeding is a lengthy process which will take a great deal of time. However, when you see newborns running around, you will know that you had success. Be prepared for the babies and have an adequate supply of shells to offer. Make sure that you have a tank with plenty of room to include the newborns as well. Good luck with your hermit crab breeding and please take all precautions to ensure a healthy breeding and a healthy life.

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Where to Buy the Habitrail OVO Loft Hamster Cage - Read This to Get the Best Price!

Do you want to know where to buy the Habitrail OVO Loft Hamster Cage at the best price? Read this article and I promise you the answer to the question. Here are 3 sources where you can buy this cool hamster cage from.

Source #1: Local Pet Stores

Local pet stores are great places to buy your hamsters cages. You can have a feel and see the actual size of the cage before making a purchase. There are also staff that can assist you with choosing the cage for your hamsters.

However, prices of hamster cages at your local pet store might be expensive. This is because, they have to pay rent and wages to upkeep their business and these excess costs are absorbed into the price tag of your hamster cage.

Source #2: Buying from Amazon and eBay

These 2 giants of online shopping are reliable places where you can get your desired items. Amazon has a wide variety of products you can shop for and ebay lets you get your goods at quite a good price.

The down side is that both Amazon and ebay requires you to pay for shipping of goods. So after buying the Habitrail OVO Loft and adding the delivery cost into your bill, the figures might sum up to quite a bit.

Source #3: Buying from online pet stores

This is the answer to my first question!

Online pet stores are dominating the sales of pet product these days. Want to know why? They do not have to pay for expensive rentals and wages. Thus they are able to sell their goods at a lower price as compared to those that have to pay for rentals and wages. And there is also a guarantee that you can get your cage at the lowest price!

Online pet stores also provides you with free delivery if you purchase over a certain price. I have read good reviews by customers from a certain online pet store about the excellent service and speedy delivery of the hamsters cages they order.

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Saturday, July 17, 2010

All the Steps to Hermit Crab Breeding

While their population is not dwindling, the hermit crab is most difficult to breed in captivity. In their natural environment, they mate by the edge of the waters and bury their eggs in the sand. However, when in captivity, if these conditions are not simulated, it is likely that you will never see results.

There are over 500 species of hermit crabs in the world, however, only a handful of the different species exist in the United States. Two of which are the Coenobita clypeatus and the Coenobita compressus, which are the most common of the breed found in pet stores in the United States.

These exotic animals are born with a soft exoskeleton that he must find a salvaged shell to protect. When hermit crab breeding, it will be necessary to have a variety of shells to offer the newborns. Do not expect instant glory however, this crab breeding can take over a month and results may never be seen. There are a few conditions that will increase your odds of breeding your exotic pet and that will be by building a shallow pond.

Step One;
set up your water tank in your home or build an outdoor garden pond simulating the natural environment of these crabs.

Step Two:
It will be necessary to set up a device that simulates the ocean waves which is vital when hermit crab breeding, as these crabs are attracted to the motion of the waves and many Zoologists claim that it actually helps in breeding.

Step Three:
Moonlight bulbs should be set up around your pond or tank. These crabs are especially fond of mating at night and this will encourage the crabs to mate. They will also perform a mating dance, which is quite entertaining.

Step Four:
Make certain that you have both a male and a female hermit crab before beginning.

Step Five:
Adjust the temperature in the aquarium or pond to be between 72 and 80 degrees. If the temperature drops below 72 degrees it will affect the wellness of these crabs.

Step Six:
Keep the tank or pond's air clean, the lighting full and the temperature set at the proper level, and the water salty. You will also need to include extra calcium in your hermit crabs diet during mating especially. Visit your local pet store and pick up a liquid formula that can be added to their food.

Step Seven:
Place the hermit crabs together and allow Mother Nature to perform her magic. Do not get discouraged or expect to see results right away. This exotic animal breeding is a lengthy process which will take a great deal of time. However, when you see newborns running around, you will know that you had success. Be prepared for the babies and have an adequate supply of shells to offer. Make sure that you have a tank with plenty of room to include the newborns as well. Good luck with your hermit crab breeding and please take all precautions to ensure a healthy breeding and a healthy life.

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The ABCs of Dwarf Hamsters Care

When picking a potential pet for yourself or your family, keep in mind that a pet should be treated like a family member and given the proper daily care it needs and deserves. Many people who have chosen to make dwarf hamsters their new family members can attest to the fact that dwarf hamsters care is relatively easy and these little creatures make very rewarding pets. Before you decide to adopt one of these lovable critters, there are some basic care tips and know-how that every hamster owner should keep in mind.

Dwarf hamsters are smaller in size compared with regular hamsters and this makes them ideal "pocket pets". They are very active, and depending on the personality of the hamster, can be cheeky and playful as well! Unfortunately, this also means that they get themselves stuck in the cracks and crevices at home when they are out of their cage and exploring. Getting them out of these small areas can be difficult and stressful on the hamsters so make sure to keep a close eye on them when they are out playing. If you are wondering why they get themselves into these predicaments, it is because in the wild, hamsters are prone to digging tunnels in the sand and dirt to make themselves a home. You cannot beat hamster nature!

Once you have your little hamsters home, they require a suitable confined place to live in while you are out of the house. Many pet owners prefer wired cages over terrariums because the front openings provide easy access. In addition, cages are portable and lightweight and are therefore easier to travel with. When shopping for a cage, keep in mind the size of your hamster. Cages with bars that are spaced too wide apart may tempt your pet to "make a break for it". Also ensure the bottom of the cage is made of a piece of plastic and not wired. Wired bottoms can cause your pet to trip or get stuck.

Dwarf hamsters are also natural burrowers so it is essential to sprinkle a substrate of dust free and absorbent material like wood shavings at the bottom of the cage. Keep in mind that there are other materials like cedar or pine based products that can be harmful because of the repertory problems these materials can cause. When it comes to the hamster habitat, hygiene is crucial. To keep the environment clean, the substrate in the cage should be completely removed and replaced every week. Also, the cage should be completely dry before new substrate is added. Remember not to clean the cage with harsh chemicals as this can be harmful to the hamsters' health. Keeping substrate in the cages reminds the hamsters of living conditions in the wild, which is why they can often be seen digging and burrowing around. Other great nesting ideas include paper towels, cotton, shredded paper, or tissues.

Do not let the hamsters' size fool you. Some hamster owners call their little pets the "mighty little eaters" because they can sometimes consume almost as much as a larger Syrian Hamster due to their naturally active nature. Some of their favorite foods include pellets, seeds, dried fruits and vegetables. Although hamsters tend to store their food in their nests rather then leaving it in their bowls, they need to be given a constant supply of fresh water. Because they can be big eaters, hamsters need to keep their teeth healthy and strong. Did you know that a hamster's teeth never stop growing? This is why they seem to be gnawing at everything in their cage. Make sure you keep some wooden toys in the cage for this purpose because chewing hard plastic and metal can damage their teeth.

Like any other pet, dwarf hamsters need proper care and they thrive on creating a strong bond with their owners. Knowing the ABCs of dwarf hamsters care is crucial before you pick up one of these cute animals. This way, you know what you are getting yourself into and can confidently include your new friend (or friends) into your life.

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Basic Facts About Snake Cages

If you intend to have a pet snake, you have to give a lot of consideration about the types of snake cages that exist in order to find the proper one for your pet. Depending on the sub-species of snake you have you will need a large cage in order for it to have plenty of room in which it can move around freely. If you have a terrestrial species of snake, for example, you will need to have a horizontal cage. However, if you have a species of snakes whose natural habitat is in trees, then you will need to have a vertical style cage.

In order to keep your pet snake healthy, you have to make sure the cage is dry and clean. Even snakes that spend most of their time in water need to have a dry space for a large part of the day. This is necessary to prevent them from developing diseases of the skin, which can be done by having sources of unfiltered sunlight shining into the cage.

Some examples of cages for snakes include large wooden boxes, plastic boxes, aquariums or even a blanket or sweater box. In all cases you have to make sure that you have a cover on the cage, that it is properly ventilated and that the snake cannot find a way of escaping from the cage. If you find the top of the cage is a lit loose secure it with tape or strips of Velcro and drill holes in the sides of the cage to allow air to circulate throughout. The bottom of the cage must also have a lining, which could be sheets of newspaper, carpet suitable for outdoors, shredded aspen or even sheets of paper towels. Your snake will need water on a daily basis, which means you always need to have a bowl of fresh water in the cage.

You have to be very aware of the temperature in the cage and the humidity. In order for you to keep your pet snake healthy you have to replicate the temperature and humidity conditions of the natural environment as much as possible. Since snakes are mainly found in hot climates, the typical temperature should be in the range of 25 to 30. Even a few degrees lower than what the snake is used to will keep it from eating properly. Since the nights are colder in the natural environment, you can turn down the temperature in the cage at night, but you should never have it lower than 24. This means that you need to have a source of heat for your cage and a thermometer to measure the temperature.

Cage furniture is just as important in a snake cage as it is in a cage for any other pets. This includes all kinds of decorations, such as wooden pegs and an inverted cardboard box that the snake can hide under. For climbing snakes you need to have limbs or pegs that resemble tree limbs. You have to ensure that they are firmly implanted into the sides of the cage. Logs are also essential in the bottom of the cage, and here too you have to be careful that they won't roll easily and injure your pet.

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Friday, July 16, 2010

Pet Rabbits Need a Safe Home

There are a few things that you have to consider before you purchase rabbit cages. There are a number of experts who suggest that you should look for a cage of rabbit that is very much safe and so purchasing one that is big is always advisable. It is also important that you need to pay attention to your budget but always ensure that the cage is big enough so your rabbit can move about freely. Cheap cages can always be one of the best investments but you have to ensure that it is very much comfortable for your rabbit. When purchasing cages always try to purchase one that is big as this is one of the best alternatives. You have to keep in mind that you purchase one that is at least five times much bigger in size as compared to the size of your rabbit. But you also have to consider the type of breed you have as different rabbits may grow to different size.

It is important that your pet has enough space but there are a number of owners who also feel that the cage should be comfortable when cleaning. If you purchase Rabbit Cages, you have to keep in mind that you have to place water pot and feeding pot inside the cage and at the same time you also have to ensure that the rabbit is able to move around comfortably inside the cage. You also have to place a few playing objects inside the rabbit cage along with a few things that he can chew. There are also a number of rabbits who mostly like to dig the ground so you also have to try and provide it with a box that is full with mud and soil. You can also try and place shredded paper or grass and watch your rabbit play with it for hours.

So if you are thinking of placing these kits inside the Cages then it is certain that you need enough of space inside the cage. Purchasing big cage is always one of the best alternatives so your pet rabbit can enjoy playing around. This is one way you can also ensure that your rabbit is developing his mental health while playing in his cage safely. You can also try and provide your rabbit with a cage that has different levels to play. Most rabbits like to make use of different levels to play and dig. You can try to connect these levels using two or three ramps. This is also one way that your rabbit can enjoy his cage for a longer period of time. This is one of the main reasons why most people prefer big rabbit cages for their pet rabbit.

Multiple level cages are also beneficial if you are having two rabbits as you can try and partition the cage as two separate cages. It is important that you monitor your rabbits very often when they are alone and sharing a single home. So you always have to ensure that your rabbit is always comfortable with his home. Rabbit cages need to be a place where they can feel safe and comfortable. Finishing Sander

What You Need to Know About Hamster Pets and Children

Hamsters are often considered to be ideal first pets for children. This is because their small size can seem less intimidating to children than larger pets like dogs. Syrian hamsters, the largest of the pet breeds, are used as class pets in some schools because they tolerate handling fairly well and are relatively easy to care for.

The smaller breeds of pet hamsters (like Campbell's dwarf, winter white Russian dwarf and Roborovski) are not recommended as pets for young children for several reasons. Because they are so small, they are more timid, nervous and active than the larger Syrian hamsters. So they are harder to handle and more likely to fall or jump out of a child's hand and get injured. Even worse, they are very fast, so if they escape, they can be attacked by a larger pet (like a cat or dog), be stepped on or get lost in the house and start gnawing on furniture or electrical wiring (which is dangerous for them and for everyone else in the family).

Dwarf hamsters have such small and delicate bones that they can be easily broken or fractured if handled too roughly, or if they fall from heights more than a few inches. And if they are held too tightly, their bones can break, and nerves and internal organs can be damaged. Young children under the age of about 5 years do not have fully developed fine motor skills or reflexes, so they do not have good control of how hard they squeeze or the ability to quickly catch a falling object. So hamster experts advise against letting young children handle the small dwarf hamster breeds without adult supervision.

When a hamster is introduced into the home as a pet, it is important for the parents to teach the children about its proper care and handling. Children need to be taught to relate to the hamster as a living creature with needs and feelings. Children often want to pet and handle the hamster long beyond the point where the hamster is comfortable. So the parents should supervise their children's interaction with the hamster for a few weeks, to teach the children how to handle the hamster safely and to make sure they do not stress the hamster to the point where it starts to bite.

If the kids are supposed to be in charge of feeding the pet and maintaining its cage, parents need to ensure that this is being done on a regular basis. If the children are not holding up their end of the chores, parents need to step in and make sure that the pet is cared for. Sometimes children are still too young for this kind of responsibility, so parents need to be prepared to care for the pet until the kids are old enough to be consistent and reliable with their chores.

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The Natural Choice For Treating Pet Urinary Stones

Is your pet having a hard time urinating, needing to go to the bathroom often and with anguish and noticeable pain? Prescription drugs have many negative effects but now there are mild but effective natural products without any danger of harming your pets.

Struvite stones caused by urinary tract infections mainly affect female dogs. Calcium gradually is formed into a stone in the blood stream. These stones can be very small or grow enough in diameter to block the flow of urine. Usually this type of pet urinary stone will have to be removed by surgery.

For whatever reason, pet urinary stones are very painful, and once your pet has them they seem to be a persistent problem after the first bout. The natural answer for a healthy urinary tract health is a diet that balances the pH levels which can help prevent the pet urinary stones from returning. A lifestyle for your pet that is based in health; diet, and exercise will be of the utmost importance. Hygiene is also very important because a bath and regular brushing reduces bacteria from entering the urethra which can cause a urinary tract infection. Holding our urine too long is not good for the health of the bladder, the same goes with our four legged friends. So, if your pet is crying to go outside to do his business make sure he can.

Another option you can implement which can aid in preventing your pet's urinary stones from returning are natural herb and plant based approaches for healing allowing you some control over the outcome of your pet's health issues. New products targeted at specific problem areas such as urinary tract infections will help your pet.

We do not want to see our pets undergo the pain and suffering of any illness let alone pet urinary stones which can be prevented by almost effortless steps. Natural remedies can help you accomplish this.

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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Dwarf Hamster Supplies - What You Need For Your Hamster

Before one can own a dwarf hamster one needs to make sure that they have all the right equipment to care for their properly. In this article we take a look at the types of Dwarf Hamster supplies one needs to purchase before actually getting a hamster.

1. Enclosure - It is important that you provide an area that offers them lots of space to move around in. There are plenty of good quality dwarf hamster cages one can purchase either online or from a local pet store. However, some people have found that an old aquarium works just as well.

The reason to go for something that is light and transparent is not only will you see the hamster moving around inside but it is easy to clean and can be easily moved around the home. If you do go for a transparent box or an aquarium in which to keep your dwarf hamster makes sure that it is well ventilated so putting a few holes in the side should suffice especially if there will be a lid on top. Also it is crucial that the enclosure is high enough to prevent your hamster from climbing out.

Another thing you need to do is ensure that you provide them with plenty of opportunities to keep them amused. So it is worthwhile providing them with some cupboard tubes that they can play in and chew on as well as wheel for running on. You may find this hard to believe but a hamster can spend each day running on their wheel for a total of 5 miles.

2. Bedding - This is a very crucial item that you need to purchase for your Dwarf hamster, but you need to be careful what you use. It is important that you use bedding that doesn't contain harmful materials as these could lead to health issues for your hamster. If you are going to be using wood shavings in your enclosure then avoid those made from pine or cedar the oils in these woods can lead to your Dwarf hamster suffering breathing problems.

Although you can use wood shavings paper is just as good. Brown paper bags are suitable same with corrugated boxes, but make sure that you don't allow any glued parts of these to get into your hamsters enclosure. If you are going to use any paper that has ink on it such as newspaper then be aware that this can lead to health problems for your hamsters also.

As for nesting material for your pet you may find that unscented white tissue paper is the most cost effective option for you. However, when in pet stores you will see in their Dwarf hamster supplies section they have some fluffy material which can be used for bedding. But again you need to be aware this can cause health issues if they eat it.

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Tips For Taming Your Pet Hamster

Are you considering bringing a hamster home to be your new pet? If so, it is important for you to know a few essential things about how to tame a hamster and how to properly pick one up and handle it. Although these little critters can be great pets, they do have a reputation for biting. By implementing the proper taming techniques and by handling your hamster appropriately, however, you can reduce the chances of getting nipped by your hamster.

Why Do Hamsters Bite?

Hamsters generally are not aggressive pets. Rather, if they are feeling frightened or stressed, they may bite as an instinctive reaction. Therefore, the more gently and calmly you handle a hamster, the less likely you are to get nipped by one. In addition, a hamster that is disturbed too often throughout the day or that is exposed to an excessive amount of noise may also be more prone to biting.

How Can I Tame My Hamster?

Taming a hamster can take a bit of patience, but it is well worth the time spent. You should first give your new hamster time to get accustomed to his or her surroundings. Then, once the hamster appears to be calm, start spending more time around its cage. Try talking softly to it from outside the cage so it can become used to the sound of your voice.

If the hamster seems to be comfortable while you are around, you can start trying to hand feed it some of its favorite treats. Some good choices include dried fruits or sunflower seeds. If the hamster is taking the treats from you without a problem, you can now try to pick it up. Don't rush this process; however, as trying to force the hamster into your hands will almost certainly frighten it. Not only will this put you at risk for getting bit, it will also undo some of the work you put into getting to this point. Ideally, you should extend your hand and try to get the hamster to walk onto your hand before you gently scoop it up. You may need to go through these steps for a good month or more before your hamster becomes used to being handled.

How Do I Pick Up My Hamster?

Once your hamster is ready to be picked up, you should scoop it up into one cupped hand while placing the palm of your other hand on its back. This way, your hamster will not be able to jump out of your hand and possibly get injured. Ideally, you should hold your hamster while in the sitting position and keeping your hands over your lap. This way, if it falls or jumps, it will not have far to go and it will have a soft landing. Do your best to remain calm and soothing and allow your hamster to walk from one hand to the next so it can become familiar and comfortable with you and with being handled. If your hamster is not quite tame yet, on the other hand, you might want to consider wearing gloves during handling in order to prevent getting a painful nip from your new pet.

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Monday, July 12, 2010

A Few Things to Know When Buying Hamster Cages

A hamster is a cool pet for any kid to have. They are low maintenance and pretty simple to care for. They also are fun to watch in a ball and roll around the house. There are a few key tips to remember when getting them set up in your home. You must first get your hamster cages set up and ready to go. The most important thing to remember is to provide plenty of bedding for them. They really do use much of it to rest and store food in. This will also keep them cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter. Be sure to keep them in a moderate temperature year round, as this will be less stressful on them.

Any hamster cage should do, as long as it is solid and does not have any places where the pets can escape. Do not get the cheapest one, as it could be a real pain to put together. Remember they like exercise so a more expensive cage can help them run around in various tubes all night long. Getting an exercise ball for them can be fun for the kids too. The hamster will run around in the ball and provide entertainment, along with getting himself exercise. Be sure to make certain the door is shut or you could have a loose pet. Dogs and cats may not like them so watch out.

Hopefully those tips will help provide you hamster with a very safe home.

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Dwarf Hamster Facts On A Happy Habitat

One of the important things to do before you purchase your friendly hamster pet is to check out your living area. What I mean by this is where you are going to place your dwarf hamster habitat. I will try to help you get some hamster facts on providing a happy habitat for your tiny friend.

Putting your dwarf hamster habitat in the correct area is important for the little one. You need to find a place where it is draft free and not too hot for your pet. This can cause health problems if not put in a proper place. Another thing to know is not to put their cage around loud noises or vibrations, this can cause stress on your pet and cause your dwarf hamster to be more skittish.

Dwarf hamster facts on a happy habitat are also for you and it is not a good idea to put your pet where you sleep. These tiny creatures are nocturnal so while you sleep they are awake running about in their cage and wheel. Unless you are a heavy sleeper this is not a good idea. So check out your home environment to find a good, quiet location for your hamster.

Next picking your habitat; there are several different types of habitats they all have some disadvantages and some advantages. The type of habitat that you will need is depending on your needs and your home environment. There are habitats made for a dwarf hamster and are available in most pet stores.

Aquariums are one type of habitat they are very easy to find and are a little less expensive or you may just have one lying around. Advantages of this type are that your tiny hamster can not chew through the glass and the bedding will not be all over the floor from your hamster kicking it about. Disadvantages of this habitat are, they are heavy to clean and not well ventilated. So it is wise to use a special top on the aquarium to connect to other modules. If this is not within your budget then make sure you frequently clean this cage or you could cause some respiratory problems. You must use at least a 10 gallon aquarium or larger, especially if you have more than one dwarf hamster in this habitat.

Plastic habitat advantages is you can mix and match with adding many varieties of tubes going in many directions. Just make sure there is adequate ventilation. This habitat mimics their natural environment and makes a fun and enjoyable space for your hamster and you. Disadvantages are they may chew right through the plastic and escape. So check your cage and tubes frequently. This cage can be more difficult to clean, but using a bottle brush will help.

Wire cages have advantages like well ventilation and they too can have tubes attached with the right adapters on them. This way you can connect two or more together or you might find a multi-level wire cage for someone that has small space available. Disadvantages of this habitat is the wire on the cage might be to far apart, so make sure you get one that your hamster can not squeeze threw the wire bars. It is best to get one with the bars running vertical not horizontal. They might climb up on the horizontal bars and could be injured. The other disadvantage is their little feet on wire cages that can cause problems with their feet. But there are some wire cages made with a plastic bottom, just look at your pet stores or on line.

Make sure your habitat set up is made for dwarf hamster size. If you have too large of toys, tubes or wheels your dwarf hamster will not be able to climb or play or could even be injured.  Also make sure your cage door is large enough to get your hand in fairly easy and have a secure door.

With any of these habitats it is best to have plenty of tubes and toys to run about in. This way your little hamster will not develop a compulsive behavior. Like chewing or clawing on their habitat which could result in health issues, escape or death. I hope I have helped you on dwarf hamster facts on a happy habitat for your special pet. 

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Saturday, July 10, 2010

What is a Dwarf Hamster's Lifespan?

Dwarf hamster's life expectancy is unfortunately not terribly long. The average lifespan is about two years, although with special care, that may be extended to as long as five years. The key to extending your dwarf hamster's life expectancy is to provide an ideal habitat and excellent care.


Possibly the greatest factor in your dwarf hamster's life expectancy is the food you choose to feed him. Pet stores offer an array of options. Some hamster food is immediately dubious, because of the neon-dyed sunflower seeds. Small hamster bodies do not cope well with artificial colorings and flavors. Natural foods that are formulated specifically for hamsters are the best choice, and if it's been made for your particular breed of hamster, even better.

Vegetables, such as broccoli or carrots are an appropriate supplement to the hamster's regular food. Unsalted nuts, bits of boiled chicken and even dog biscuits will be appreciated. However, to extend the their life expectancy, it is best to go organic. And always avoid sugary treats, which can lead to diabetes.


Fresh water is the fundamental need of all living things. Unfortunately, many water supplies are tainted, which will negatively impact your pets life expectancy. A simple and inexpensive water purification system will remove chlorine, heavy metals and other toxins. Water should be offered in a suspended bottle with a metal tip. A bowl of water can spill and result in wet bedding, which leads to illness.


Another simple way to increase your dwarf hamster's life expectancy is to provide proper housing, situated away from drafts. Cages should be kept clean, and the bedding changed at least once a week. The bedding should consist of aspen shavings or shredded paper. Cedar and pine beddings cause allergic reactions that shorten a hamster's lifespan.


Adequate activity levels will extend their life expectancy as well. Hamsters need ample room for exercise. Allow three square feet of space for the first hamster, and add one square foot for each additional hamster. An exercise wheel is vital, since a hamster would run many miles each night in its native habitat. A solid wheel will accommodate your pets tiny feet, and prevent injury.


Even boredom can shorten their life expectancy. In the wild, a hamster would have endless variety in his environment in the form of tunnels, vegetation, and burrows. Pet stores and online sources offer approximations of the wild environment - minus the predators - and your dwarf hamster will respond positively to new and exciting places to explore.


Tender, loving care will increase your pets lifespan. These creatures are easy to tame and respond well to daily touch and affection. Inappropriate handling can cause stress, and stress kills. Learn the proper way to hold your hamster, avoid picking it up while it's asleep, and don't let it fall from heights. In time, your pet will be just as fond of you as you are of him.

Although a potential owner may be discouraged by the statistics on the hamster's average lifespan, providing extra care by adhering to these simple guidelines could significantly increase your beloved dwarf hamster's life expectancy.

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How to Get Organized For A New Pet

How much is that doggy in the window? Or better yet, how much is it going to change your life? Whether you are single in the city or married with kids in the 'burbs, adding a pet to your family is a major decision that goes way beyond their adorable furry faces and slobbery kisses. It's really hard to resist the snuggly wonder of a new puppy or kitten, but before you take the plunge, remember that pets require a huge commitment, both financially and emotionally. Take a long, realistic look at your family and its different personalities before you bring home a new pet. If you are the type who forgets to water the plants, then maybe you're better off with a lower maintenance pet like a fish. Do you like furry pets but don't have a consistent schedule? Opt for a guinea pig instead of a dog. Spend a little extra time now to help you make the right decision for you and your family and its new furry friend.

Sarah on "delayed gratification"

"Hardly a week goes by without my son's campaign for a dog. Even my husband gangs up on me sometimes, but with my youngest not even one yet, I know we are far from ready. At least I know I am far from ready! I'm realistic enough to know that I'll be the one walking the dog in the snow and the rain and I'm just not ready to add it to my plate yet, but it can be so tempting. Instead, I keep telling my son that we'll pick the right dog for him when he's 10 and can help me. In the meantime, I have him researching the different breeds to keep him interested but off the "I want it now" syndrome."

Alicia on "trying it out"

"My husband and my daughter are both dog lovers and I'm just not interested in having a dog right now. But instead of taking all of the blame, I suggested that we try out their pet parenting skills with a low-maintenance pet first. We opted for a goldfish, since it's about as easy as you can get. That way, I can see how diligent they are about care and maintenance on a smaller scale before we jump in and get a dog. They're still working on their skills, so it looks like the dog has moved to the back burner for now."

Here's what to think about if you're considering a pet:

1. Finding Mr. or Mrs. (Furry) Right.

It's not just about dog vs. cat, since there are many different types of pets to consider before picking the right one for you. Consider your family's needs before making a final decision. Do you want a pet that will join you on family hikes or are you really looking for something lower maintenance that can be easily left with a neighbor when you go to Grandma's? Consider any allergies or health concerns, since many types of pets have fur that can aggravate allergies and asthma.

2. Determine Distribution of Labor Ahead of Time.

Whether it's changing the kitty litter, feeding the hamster, or walking the dog, there are many new tasks that can be added to the household's chore list once you bring a new pet home. Sit down and have a family meeting and divide up the chores so one person isn't taking on the brunt of the work. It's overwhelming for one family member to do it all and if you determine ahead of time whose responsibility it is to cut fresh veggies for the bunny, there will be fewer frustrations and fights down the road.

3. Keep it All Together.

Remember how your kindergartner needed paperwork stating he had all of his shots before he could start his first day of school? Well, pets require the same kind of paperwork. You'll need to make an annual appointment to keep the vaccinations current and in order to obtain a license from your local town, you'll need proof. Keeping it all together in one place means you won't have to tear through various files to figure out if Bugsy had his Bordatella shot.

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Friday, July 09, 2010

Step by Step Instructions to Keep Your Chinchilla Cage Clean

Chinchilla cages need to be kept clean if their owners want to ensure that not only are their pets happy but also healthy. If bacteria are allowed in the right environment to develop then this can lead to a number of different health problems for these beautiful creatures.

When it comes to cleaning a cage in which a chinchilla is kept, it's not enough to just have the littered changed occasionally. The cage should actually be inspected each and every day. And once a month remove your pet from inside the cage and spend some time scrubbing it out. This will help to ensure that the health of your pet chinchilla remains at its best.

When inspecting chinchilla cages each day, there are a number of other tasks that you will need to complete. Below we take a look at just what these daily tasks are.

Task 1 - Every day you will find that your chinchilla chooses one particular place within their cage to urinate in. Although you won't need to clean the area immediately every time they have been to the toilet, you should remove it at least once each day. It may be a good idea to do it twice a day, once in the morning and then again in the evening. However when it comes to feces they will drop these just about anywhere in the cage. So you will need to search through the cage to remove them.

Task 2 - Every day you will need to check their food bowl and sometimes feces can end up in this especially if it is kept on a lower level. In addition to checking the bowl, remove and clean it prior to refilling. Again this will help to prevent the growth of bacteria within the cage.

Task 3 - Each day you will be required to refill their water bottle. During this time, you should remove the tube through which the chinchilla draws the water and clean the tube and the bottle thoroughly. As you remove the bottle and before cleaning it, inspect to make sure that no mildew or mold is growing in the base. If you do notice mildew or mold then immediately wash the bottle thoroughly in hot soapy water. Then rinse it out thoroughly to remove any detergent residue. If you don't then the chemicals in the detergent could cause health problems. Should you feel that you need to don't be afraid to purchase a new water bottle.

Task 4 - When it comes to the bedding in chinchilla cages, it needs to be removed and replaced once a week. Don't just take out some of the bedding but remove it entirely and replace with completely fresh bedding. If you don't, you will soon begin to notice a buildup in odors emanating from the cage. That is the result of the feces and urine soaking into the bedding. After removing the bedding from the pan, it is a good idea to take some hot soapy water and clean the area thoroughly. Again this will help to prevent bacteria growing in the bedding area.

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Thursday, July 08, 2010

Acquire the Proper Dwarf Hamster Supplies

Dwarf hamster supplies are not terribly expensive, and that is one of the reasons that more and more people are keeping hamsters as pets. A handful of items, readily available at the local pet store, are all that is necessary to get started.

When shopping for dwarf hamster supplies, the first purchase will undoubtedly be the habitat, or cage. There are many hamster cages on the market, but not all of them are appropriate for Dwarf Hamsters, who can easily squeeze through the bars of a regular hamster cage. A habitat that is designed specifically for them will have closely spaced bars to prevent escape. A small aquarium may also be used, eliminating the issue of bars altogether.

Next on the list of supplies will no doubt be the toys, which can be a great deal of fun to select. A wheel is necessary, since hamsters need to stretch their legs. They require solid wheels because their tiny feet can slip through the spaces on regular hamster wheels. Elaborate habitats that include tubes to climb through are a good choice because they provide lots of entertainment for inquisitive hamsters.

Hamsters in the wild are natural-born diggers, so on your list of supplies should be enough bedding to provide a layer at least two inches deep. However, all beddings are not equally appropriate for them. Cedar and pine have been proven to cause dangerous allergic reactions, and fluffy bedding can be ingested. Aspen shavings or shredded paper-based products are the safest choice.

No list of supplies would be complete without an appropriate hideaway for privacy. Hamsters like to feel secure when they sleep, and will appreciate a place that recreates their burrow in the wild. This can be store bought, or can even be an empty tissue box, as long as all plastic has been removed. A nesting box will be necessary if babies are expected.

Chew toys are vital supplies for them as well, since they are necessary for filing down the hamster's continuously growing teeth. Wooden blocks or clean branches are ideal. Without non-toxic material to chew on, hamsters will turn to items that are dangerous, such as anything made of plastic.

Naturally, the most important supplies are purified water and nutritious food. They have metabolisms that result in a hearty appetite. It is important to purchase food that is appropriate for hamsters, and even better to buy a mix that is specifically formulated for Dwarf Hamsters.

Water is best delivered by bottle, not by bowl, to avoid spills, wet bedding and wet hamsters.
Chinchilla sand is among the crucial supplies for Dwarf Hamsters. It allows your hamster to groom himself the way he would do in the wild - by rolling around in sand.

To sum up, there are the one time purchases: the cage, the exercise wheel, the hideaway and the water bottle. There are the items that need only occasional replacement: chinchilla sand and chew toys. And there are the items that are replaced on a regular basis: food and bedding. Overall, there is a very small capital outlay when purchasing supplies for Dwarf Hamsters.

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Tuesday, July 06, 2010

To Prepare the Cage for the Budgie

From the smallest parrots with great popularity among the lovers have budgies - their weight reaches up to 40 grams, and the length of their body is no more than 20 - 23 cm. Usually cages for budgies are sold equipped with perches, made of wood or hard plastics. But after that the owner of the feathery ones has to complete the interior with several real, rough, unattractive twigs, because if the budgie never changes the position of its toes and always holds tight to the flat and smooth surface of standard sick, its toes start swelling, rubbing sore and there start to appear wounds and scabs. If you don't have fine sandpaper to cover the floor, you can spread out under the layer of very fine ballast (or very coarse sand ) and an ordinary newspaper, which must not have colored illustrations. Most printing inks are poisonous for budgies. Something more that can threaten your birds is using twigs from the coniferous tree - yew, whose wood is also poisonous for birds. It is best for this purpose to use twigs from orchard trees.


My recommendation is to use transparent feeders - thus it will be easier for the budgie to find its food, when it sees the food. Feeders must be two types - one for seeds and sand with stones and another bigger one for the vegetation and fruit. The sand could be from the sea, mixed with crashed shells and mussels ( but not from the white one that is sold for the canaries), and the stones should be from granite or flint. Budgies get bored with the same toys, so it is better to change or to take turns of them into the cage. It is considered that a mirror makes the loneliness of the bird more endurable - looking into the mirror the bird start imagining that it is not alone, but I consider that constant looking in the mirror is not recommendable because of danger of inhibition.

Choose the most spacious cage, which you can afford and which you can dispose at home. It is considered that the ideal size of cage for a couple of budgies is 91/45/45 cm, and when only one bird is going to live in the cage its size could be 2/3 from the stated one. Don't be in a hurry with you purchase - many cages are sold in the zoo shops, but you can have the chance to buy a suitable already used one. Different constructions exist, so it is sensible not to hurry so that you can buy something really good. You buy a home for your budgies, where their life will pass, so do your best to choose such, where they will feel best.

Choosing a cage it is not bad to think about some things. Is it spacious enough? Is its shape proper - you might like a high circular cage, but in "lodgings " birds very often don't have enough room to move and to outspread their wings. It can seem less important, but closing the door must be secure. There should be a mobile plastic bottom in the cage, which to ease cleaning it. The sticks of the cage can be chromium plated or glazed and it is good to have horizontal not only vertical sticks on the sides of the cage so that the budgies can climb easily. The perches must be located so that birds can reach all feeders and watering troughs and place one higher than the other ones. Don't install them near the sides of the cage, because staying on them, budgies will constantly rub there tails on the metal sticks. Prepare the cage before buying your feathery friend. And when you take it from the shop, put it in a cardboard box, handle it with care and quickly take it home. If it is cold outside wrap the box, but so that you don't reduce air flow. At hoe wash the whole cage with very hot water, but neither use soap nor washing detergents, use only special disinfection means, that are intended for birds' cages. This is absolutely compulsory if you have obtained a used cage. Dry very well the new home of the bird. Place a sheet of very fine sandpaper on the bottom and spread fine ballast. After that, install the perches, feeders and water troughs.

Birds don't like the location of the cage to be often changed, that is why choose the most proper place for them in your flat right in the beginning. The place should be lighted up enough, but not to be lit up directly by sunlight. If you have a glassed balcony from late spring to early autumn you can keep your birds there. You can put pots with big - leaved plants around the cage. Thus birds will feel well. The balcony should not be facing south, because during the hot summer days the bird can die of overheating. When temperatures get lower you should bring the bird inside the flat Watch out not to put it near the central-heating or other heating devices because air is drier there. When you bring the birds in be careful because the make lots of mess around especially when they start flying in the cage.

It is known that budgies like to have company - your feathery pet will feel best in the room where the whole family gathers. Choose a room, where you can let the bird fly free -this is very important for its education. Budgies also need fresh air - that it why the room should not be stifling. Exactly because of this reason the cage of the birds should not be put in the kitchen as some beginners do. The steam that appears when cooking is harmful for birds. Except for that, it is very dangerous when flying in the kitchen the budgie to have a tragic end.

The cage should not be put in front of the window - there the sensitive feathery creatures very sensibly feel the atmosphere changes - the cold in winter and the burning sunrays in summer. The cage should not be exposed to draughts, very close to the radiator of the central heating or near the fire place. Whether the cage is placed on a special for this purpose rack is not very important - it could be placed on every solid table or shelf. But on a special rack the cage takes less space, it can be put higher, which the birds will like and it will be easier to move it.

Budgies suffer if the don't sleep enough. That is why you should cover their cage with a light material - it reduces light, but birds don't stay in full darkness.

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