When you buy a hamster, there to observe some details. You need to think about the age and sex of the animal hamster, the best choice for buying new, and where you set the cage and accessories for your home. When buying a hamster, you must purchase a hamster cage, food, blankets and equipment at the same time, allows a home for your new friend. Keep the following in mind when you buy one> Hamster help you and your new pet safe and happy.
Choose a reputable dealer
First, when you buy a hamster, you must choose a reputable dealer. You can decide now to your hamster from a breeder or storage of buying a pet. In any case, be sure that the device is kept clean, dry, well. Verify that the animals look healthy and well maintained. If the animals sick, sick, sick or no show Purchase by the dealer.
Buying a hamster young
Discover the age of the hamster, you can buy. When you buy a hamster, you want to select a young hamsters because they live for only three to five years. At this point you should also determine whether your hamster is male or female. This information is important for the future if you decide you want your hamster breed or if you want to buy another> Hamster.
Remember, hamsters are nocturnal
When you set up your new house your hamster, remember that hamsters are nocturnal animals. They love to sleep for most of the day, then run and play after dark, while trying to sleep. You should set the cage away from the sleeping area, so as not to interfere with your new pet business.
If you plan to put the hamster in a cage in a bedroom, choose a hamsterWheels and other toys, the quietest possible so that the noises at night are not so intrusive. Your hamster can not avoid the noise in the night, only himself.
Keep your new hamster safe from other pets
If you can have other cat, pets like dogs to remind them larger or buying a hamster. dogs and cats are carnivores, and they see the hamster as a prey. To make your new friend's security, keep the crate from afarScope of the biggest animals in the house. If possible, hold a closed door between your hamster, and your other animals like cats and dogs are known for hamster cages tilt the prisoners get to her. This can be disastrous for all concerned, and it is best to avoid this kind of problem when it comes to consequences.
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