You bring your new friend home in his cage, and set him down in his new room. You watch him playfully roam around his cage as he takes in his new surroundings. He makes the rounds around his cage a few times, and just as he's about to make his third lap it occurs to you. You have no idea what to name your new pet. Your head spins as you try to think of something that fits, but nothing seems exactly right.
The easiest way to break this mental block is to look at what other people have decided to name their hamsters. Of course you don't have to use any of these, but this will help you come up with ideas that you may like. Try looking up the popular names for hamsters on the internet. Some of the most popular hamster names are Mr. Whiskers, Fluffy, Hammy, and Houdini.
Another common method is to brainstorm different objects that have the same coloring as your new friend. For example, a black and white hamster can be called Domino. Or a dark brown one can be called Espresso while a light brown one can be called Latte.
Sometimes it's just fun to see what other people have come up when naming their hamsters, but sometimes you want to find something that is more unique. There are plenty of popular names out there you can use, but I think you will be even closer to your little guy if you come up with the name yourself. Your pet is completely original, so you want their moniker to reflect this. Look around the room and see if anything comes to you, such as Pepsi or Flower.
Another quirky idea is to name your new furry friend after people. For example, you can choose one of your favorite celebrities, or TV or movie character. Or you check out the Social Security Administration statistics and adopt a popular baby name from the current year, such as Jacob or Emma.
Sometimes we just absolutely fall in love with what we find instantly, and sometimes it takes time to decide on what fits just right. And sometimes this journey can also develop into a funny story. Your hamster will have this" title="hand">handle for their entire life, so be sure it is one that you will like for a very long time. Whether deciding on something common, or original or quirky, always follow your gut feeling when you are naming your pet hamster. The most important part is finding one that you love.
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