One of my rats has scabies. ~ Tirion / Medical.htm ... So that needs to heal ivermectin, so I'm looking for a veterinarian in / Napa Sonoma nouns that are too good with rats. (Ie about rat health) to determine if a rat owners in the area ...
A guinea pig and dog cross-question?
I have a chocolate lab. He is the sweetest,friendly dog I have ever had. I'll put pork in India in next few weeks and in just prepareing everything. My dog (his name is Duke) is sleeping next to me in my bedroom. But this is ...
A mouse dying? 10 points?
So I was with my dog in the neighborhood and then I saw a rat on the ground. He was still breathing, but half of the tail are gone. I wanted to help, but I was worried that there was a sewer rat and ...
Control almostHamster ..?
My hamster is dirty, it's ok if I give them a bath (no soap to bathe only with very low water for them)? If so, what should be hot water?
A couple of hamsters question ... Please answer?
My Syrian hamster lives in a 20 gallon aquarium. It has a wheel, a house of nesting, to eliminate a bottle, a bowl, and some pipes. What else can I set up in his cage to make it better? Because I have a 20-liter cage, I can ...
A fewHamster question.?
My hamster does not sleep much, and I wondered what could be the reason. So that night. He does not sleep much at night and awake during the day as well. Every time I saw him take a nap, but I'm not sure if ...
Some hamster questions? and how to convince my mother to tolerate me a catch?
I want a hamster .. I had one at my parents, but died after a long life hamster useful life of three years andshe was taking care of well.anyways .. I want one, I want a golden Syrian hamster.i have an aquarium of 20 liters with a tight lid visor. and ...
Some problems in the region of my pet rat?
1. How do I make him lose weight? He run and play, if you take away from his friends, but when he is in it or eat or sleep. 2. What is best for the sport? A wheel that is to go inside his cage, or a ball of ...
A few questions about my dwarf hamsters, 10Points best answer?
1 - If you take them and go on the hand and then puts on the other hand the game than others, and so they're surrounded by media? : S 2-Why is he biting a lot, bite. I always wash my ...
A hamster brain?
How long can I remember what? before? forget my hamster is a teddy bear, so sweet and intelligent, when I go around the table and the ballsused to come for ages so I touch my finger on ...
A human place for rats?
I have 3 male rats of imagination and a child, I am sooo scraed Ratties is my dear! And they do not arrive in the area so much time outside of the cage in which they are used. I live in Colorado are everywhere ...
A bit 'of a guinea pig have little brown things in her hair.?
a baby guinea pig has given birth to small brown things in mind, today was just ... I thoughtis not too powerful for him there, but .. I do not know how to take care? they can be seen barley. I'm so ...
A query goes Ratties:)?
Anything else that male rats are easy to friggin cute? I think a male mouse, which spoils the whole time if you allow it. I only have girls on this theme and its amazing the difference in personality. So who else is a boy is dead ...
A question on the order of vectors Guinea Pig?
I amget guinea pigs and now I'm collecting as much information as possible. For a carrier, what am I doing here? near a small dog carrier? and if I have a little 'bigger, while I can have more than one in him?
A Coupé squirrel hit by yesterday? Any hope? ?
It 's a big squirrel! She is still alive, but I do not think it will. It probably has internal injuries. Cn is convenient to do everything we think, to help her. There is a local, you canadjectives you can take, but ...
A motor has a squirrel hit by yesterday? Any hope? ?
It 's a big squirrel! She is still alive, but I do not think it will. It probably has internal injuries. Here's everything we think cn do to help. There is a local, we can take them, but adjectives can ...
A) How long is the average energy of a hamster? B) Can you explain how blacks are?
I have a Syrian girlHamster was and I wonder how many years you expect when they die, you can also talk about how old?
ABOUT Guniea pigs? HELP?
E 'for 2 MALE Pigs Guniea two shares a cage? shes ok small and browse some more moose 'her a little bigger! The fear, he put 2gether because both have long nails! I do not want two fightHELLLLP!
About how much) would be to buy a hamster cost (including accessories?
Would be all for aHamster, including the cost somewhere under $ 60?
Strange noises on my rat?
My cute little rat Templeton has something really strange clicking noises and it does indeed sound close ClickIn noise, it is strange that tho fact only when I hold I know that he is excited or thing something wrong or dont .. .
On my untried Hamster (help)?
Hello, I just bought a new hamster from a pet shop girl, and hercontained by his new cage, with all u prerequisite for a hamster, but she put the food in his wheel and still tours with the included ...
Adopting an animal shelter.?
There are four rats in a brother's Animal Rescue League. There are five weeks and are weaned from their mother. I would take only two, just to separate them?
Tips on how to hang on a guinea pig?
Hello, I liketo get a guinea pig for my kids (and me and my husband lol) to digress, but had a very good size cage and food and always make sure fresh water (which had fallen as guidelines) is available, the . ..
After work?
After assembly and disassembly of my female rats male mice licked my toes, he runs away, leaving hard bone like this thing .. I tried google, but no trace to describe it .. If thenormal?
the 2 hamsters breed needs to lend a hand after? ?
yes because I have to run in a box, but after that their home cage in duplicate? Or hamsters males and females return to the venue? Please arrange for me now, as I hope soon to breed.
All rodents owner here?
k in new to this so plz keep it simple, in 15, so I must give some time with him / her, then I do not know what problemsRodents live well together and are not very active partner, who are always animals Maby ...
Alpha guinea pigs?
I have a male guinea pig that can not be housed with other pigs, because he calls the "alpha male" is. I like to learn, that guinea pigs should be housed for your pleasure. but I'm concerned. My pores seems to be little Piggie 'too bored. What is ...
Am ia suitable for guinea pig owners?
I think two of the same sex, two males and two femalesI have produced in earlier times, but gave him up because of complications with the baby in some way, I maintain a handful of vegetables and fruit a day a. ..
I'm ready for an animal of the state?
Hello, like 4 years ago I had a pet mouse named Nanami. I loved Nanami, and he so great, but after three years of healthy life, died. I was depressed and everything, but I started to get over it. I'm really sad easily a. ..
Other rodents Q & A please
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