Thursday, April 21, 2011

Q & Animals

? rats associated with the birth mother?
ok so I have 2 adult female rats born a few months ago at about 3 months, children have food and water, and so I kept their cage and they're content with the two adults theyre cage strongly throughout .. .
[Rabbit Onesome or second? ?]
[Intro] I got my Flemish Giant had a couple of months away. This is a case of rescue by someone who basically came to a mill rabbit.He is all that dog attacks on the disease and escape, but a long road and quiet ...
-= <ive The measures necessary to consider a priorità, but I do not know the earth to get where =- one?>?
I was a kid I wanted a monkey to play (small), but next they do not like that they sell in Alberta and I will pay up to 2000 dolars shiping so you know where the hell can I find a monky in Alberta?
1 Brown + 1 Black Dutch rabbit DutchBlack Rabbit = 3 & 4 gray rabbit?
The mother has black spots, and the father is brown. But there are no brown Kit ... Is this normal? They reported two litters of pure breed of diff.
10 points for someone? Can you guess the name of one of my guinea pigs!.?
In essence, the first person you get the name of one of my guinea pigs get 10 points. Well, guess you!
10 points! Animals! Help?
I do not know if I have 2 rabbits or receivea dog I am happy already, 2 horse (sandy + Donny) had (1 Mine 1's my sisters) Paul II Parrot2 Kitten Sasha + Shadow2 Chicken-Harry + shares Lucky yeh I do with my 2 brothers and 2 sisters so my dog interview ...
11 daylight fragile Harlequin Rabbit, eye infection? HELP?
I ended up with 7 baby bunnies! There are two dwarfs, but moved quickly. All but Tucker has opened my eyes, opening its Tucker acctually a few times, but today it seemed ike wasThe difficulties, and his eyes seemed a bit '...
16 foot Quarter Horse filly?
I have a Quarter Horse filly that is huge across the street. E 'wide and high (16hands) How can I go with it.
2 BUNNIES bored?
Hello, I have two 7 month old female dwarf rabbit. Enjoy my own room, lol I sleep in the dressing room, a cardboard house with 3 floors, wooden chew toys, a field of land to the ditch and a litter andFlip toy.I spend time with ...
2 dogs, 2 hamsters, 1 cat, ferrets and a horse?
Help! I already have two dogs, two hamsters and a cat! and next year for my b-day I am getting a horse, but I'm looking ferrets as well and my mother looks really strong, but then my father said, and they can hurt ...
2 ferrets question.?
I am with the food than that of the previous owner to me, but I heard his food horial. (Marshall Ferret Diet) witch is the best foodfor the best price? I was looking for food at PetSmart, and I saw that 41% pretiest hd, and 6% ...
2 small worms in the bathroom?
I woke up this morning and went to the toilet and at the bottom of the toilet are two small dark brown / black worms. was the only time as a nail, but the toilet flushed ... have been, could have come here? Thanks
Question 2 more or less my puppy?
smells ok 1.hes number in some way, I realize that dogsColone smell, but not a dog or its strong smell and somehow ... in crate training, and he sleeps and stays around him while in school. is that what was to ...
20 gal FOR HEMRIT land crab! 10 PT. ?
WANT TO REACH FOR MY GAL 20 hermit crabs. How high are. IF YES, 'ZIP ATTACK on a tank and where can I buy. THANK YOU.
24 Animal monitor micro-chip?
Has anyone used this company? I have 2 catsMicrochip by this company, but both were of the rescue team to this point, I thought there were. I want their data to be modified to reflect my data (or to see if the rescue twice ...
2. Tarantola larval stage in office?
I have a tarantula before, and now I'll try bringing up a second larval stage. Does anyone know the mortality rate on a s'ling this size? they are resistant to a title, or should I just kill yourself ...
3 months older kitten paw suck? Is this normal? ?
My kittens 3 months ago were hunting for the big cats and the cat's paw sucking bigger! I suck them alone, but on another cat? E 'safe for them? should I worry or just passing through ...
4 chinchillas, who died?
I had 4 healthy chin .. was clean and happy and never showed signs of nausea is dead, my daughter woke up yesterday withIt 's too late, not all 4 of them .. My question is: does anyone have any idea of ​​what this .. have caused two of them were mom and ...
6 Mon Tabbly fresh mutton prehistoric cat three days ago, and very soon work properly unless a majority meow?
Motion with no sound comes out of his mouth. Makes as meowing, but no sound. Viewed today, the vet gave him a painful blow (although I do not think she's in pain) and back are surrounded by three days.I. ..
8 weeks behind the times of Jack pup distress, jump into the pen Mama x end up back at the end of the puppies, the substance can move the leg, but wont use?
This happened about 6 hours, the pup was first squeak until I cuddled and reassured her. I like to check for breaks, it seems possible from the hip socket? Slight swelling in the bone vertebrae, is not a burden on it, but ...
9 years antediluvian horse sheep farm near the bone ring lowerSearch for information related to treatment.?
I recently bought this horse, I knew I had problem with the right front foot. The place I am currently boarding is bound and determined that he failed at first, and now she has ring bone Axiom. I'm not saying ...
Possession of a guine pig hold 9th, surrounded by a chain and ...?
I have a guinea pig in a wire enclosure and keep kicking and if she does that all the bedsthe floor, what to do, that you also what I can do to their Jeep Coop much cleaner and not ...
My room contained a large spider?
Last night was crawling through my room, the largest white spider the ugliest I've ever seen given. So I have a clear plastic cup at him. And the night in one piece this morning and is still alive! How long until ...
A cat used to chomp through or drink?
We found a cat in the streetand it was snowing and cold, so we felt bad and brought it inside. We offered tuna and milk and the sea. and will not eat or drink. Any help? We would call animal control, but its 8:21 ....
A pet fashion? something sweet, small, funny, not too much work?
Ok, I have two hamsters that were very nice to have, but he knows new.I something organized, which is a strange thing, the right to be heard, but looking for a pet "noble." For example, a small dog or a foxchiuaua? But I do not think the ...
some questions on dogs and guinea pigs get along On?
I want to know if my dog ​​there for minutes, a pen, you can be with my guinea pigs. Here are some question.1. Would they get along? 2. How could I introduce them? It could be a child through the gate? Thanks for your reply! I hope that you can ...
A colleague of his goal to give or take a couple of my wisdom, my pets?
I have two Chihuahua 3 & 4 Yearsold and another little angel 'to return home soon. Now I'm a bit 'late to work today in the autumn of my sick child to the vet might have a dental cleaning, my husband and my wife ...
A home for my rabbit?.?
My dwarf rabbit is Angel begins to grow out of their cage. I tried to cage intelligent animals, but its heavy, the size of them, because they are sought in the fields. I let my bunny hop around the house for exercise every day, but i. ..
A fewChinchilla Question?
OK. I am a mom of a new chinchilla to four months. I want to make her happy enthusiasm as I can, and I have some questions. 1) I have two cactus skeletons in my room, teddy bear Cholla and Saguaro. I. ..
A few quick question ... almost rabbits?
1.Can see in the dark? 2.Will mothers eat baby if a human touches it? 3.Will 2 males kill each other the same cage? 4.Do they see in color? 5.Can know that their position?
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