Hamsters are among the rodent subfamily Cricetinae. They are known for night and twilight. They sleep during the day and live in the twilight. Hamsters are now recorded mostly in homes as pets. They are large animals, because they require high maintenance costs, they are cheap and most of them are friendly, even for children. But then I pet hamster or anti-social loner. They hate for hamsters. It should be kept alone in hercage to prevent violence.
Hamsters are presumably in the Middle East and southern Europe originate. A British zoologist named George Waterhouse found the first hamster in 1839. The hamster has seen a female and her name was "cricetus auratus. And 'now regarded as the golden hamster to breed.
Later appointed professor at the University of Jerusalem, Israel Aharoni a hamster hamsters with 12 young in 1930 in the Syrian desert. But then, only 3was reached at his laboratory alive. They belong to the Syrian breed. Hamster has started to learn about the different parts of the world if they were sent to England. golden hamsters were placed in 1938 in the United States.
The word "hamster" bag "then came from the German word" treasure "which means" store "food, because hamsters love to bounceinsave.com" title="save">save. Hamsters can be seen in various colors. There are white, brown, cream and gray. There are also severalSpecies, but the best known are the dwarf and Syrian breeds. Hamsters also differ in the length of their hair, some have short hair, while others have longer hair.
Hamsters are good for many animals to be admitted, because it is sweet, bright, brilliant, fun and easy to manage. If you plan to buy a hamster, you should put a cage hamster cage just live comfortably in his. Go with your pet to ensure that remain healthy and alive.
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