hamster Most landlords try to take care of their sick hamster hamster, but sometimes they fall. There are many diseases that a small hamster house can be treated easily if the owners follow certain steps. The following sections address some diseases hamster disease and some ways to deal with some of the hamsters, they can get that
hair loss is a mild disease, hamsters from excessive scratching. Mites often cause aHamster scratch excessively>, but an unclean environment can also lead to zero your hamster. You can use pine or cedar bedding bed also lead to loss of fur. You must treat your hamster cage change his bed, the dust from the safe use and read. You must also ensure that you are using an aquarium instead of the wired cage wired cages can cause your hamster scratches on the bar. Regular cleaning of the hamster cageis another good way to ensure that there is nothing to infections that meet him soon.
infection of the skin is a problem that occurs in hamsters in unclean condition. Three common skin infections that affect domestic hamsters are, ringworm, scabies and mange Demodecosis. The only way to know for sure that your hamster, this skin infection is to require a microscope with a veterinarian DO. The treatment for scabies mites is to give your hamster Ivermectin 1% once every 10 days for a total of 1 month. The symptoms of mange are Demodecosis dry skin, scaly skin and hair loss. The treatment of this infection, your hamster ivermectin 1% 1 drop every 10 days and its amitraz baths weekly.
The symptoms of ringworm include loss of hair in the circles of yellow and scaly skin. The treatment of this skin infection is to wash your hamster with an anti-fungal shampoo once a week. You also have to give your pet> Hamster oral antibiotics for the treatment of fungal infections. As this infection can be contaminated with immune systems of people, you should always wear gloves when handling hamsters ringworm.
Another effective treatment for the mites are a mixture of 1 tablespoon of witch hazel, Listerine chilled 1 tablespoon with 2 cups of water that is boiled. You said well this mixture in a bottle and spray your hamster with it. If possible,We recommend that you use your fingers to rub the solution into your hamster fur. As always, before trying a home remedy for your hamster to the vet to make sure that does not harm your hamster, and if necessary consultation.
It 'important to sterilize your hamster cage after the infection came to know that he has a skin. A solution of bleach and water can be used to clean the cage, but it is important to rinse the cage well before returning your hamsterin it.
It 'also very important to be able to tell the difference between a veterinarian mild disease and severe in doubt call the hamster!
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