Wednesday, November 17, 2010

What you eat hamsters?

So what do hamsters eat? This is a very important question, hamsters should know when you first get your. Just like any other animal, they have their own kind of food they eat and drink.

Since the hamster lives with you now and not in the desert, he / she can not go look for you and find the food that he / she wants. They want to know and give your hamster to keep him happy and healthy. So we must first of this interestingQuestion ...

How do hamsters like to eat so much?

One of the most amazing things you see your pet hamster literally everything that he finds in his cheeks. Hamsters are naturally trained to all the food they can find, because for the collection and nature, you never know what tomorrow brings. To protect against hunger, if you do not get anything to eat tomorrow, it accumulates more and all the food they find.

But they do not accumulate in the stomach, but take it easyhide in a corner somewhere and use it as storage for later. Since there is convincing "no way to" Your hamster is nothing to fear until he / she lives with you, you just have to take their life long habit.

Yes, what you really need, hamsters eat?

Very little. Because of their small size does not fit with a lot of food in the small intestine of them. Thus, hamsters can eat only a couple of spoonfuls of food every 24 hours or less.

Hamsters need a greatThe selection of food to stay healthy and energetic. They are like different kinds of fruits, vegetables, and proteins. If you do not make the food they need, your hamster sick and increasingly weak.

Check out this helpful guide to find out what are the best hamster food for a healthy and long life hamster.

But there are some foods should be avoided at all costs, why make them sick or even threaten their lives. SomeExamples include almonds, sweets and candies, tomatoes, and much more. It 's very important that you know what food to feed the hamster and that's not so much in a healthy, happy hamster for a long, long time.

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