Blueberry dwarf hamster is a part of Russian Campbell hamsters dwarf family. The name comes from the cranberry their fur, one blue, it is. This small fascinating creatures are the most docile of the family hamster, and much smaller. Although the dwarf blueberry hamsters nocturnal and are active at night, small animals, these bursts of energy during the day when other hamsters to sleepduring the day.
Particular attention should be addressed if there are small children at home, as these animals are very small, making it more difficult to treat them. If you are surprised that she was mistreated or known to bite. It 'best to present your known to make the animal before you open the cage or handling.
Make sure there is at least an inch or bedding in the cage, changed at least once a week. Use recycled paper, toilet paper ripped or shredded for bedding, try toAvoid using wood chips as the cedars and pines. These two types of wood shavings contain oils that can damage the liver and kidneys of hamsters. The area of the cage that is dedicated to the bathroom hamsters should be cleaned once a day, this form removes the possibility of bacteria or odors.
Hamsters are prone to chewing time in the cage, recommended for this reason a ceramic bowl for food hamster. Make sure the container every day, is to avoid any spoiled food clean contaminating the next days meal. In addition to the regular donations of food, try to give your pet fresh vegetables at least once a week, so that the vegetables be washed thoroughly. Celery and carrots are the favorites for this hamster.
Follow the instructions on each bottle of water you buy to attach to the cage. Make sure your pet fresh water every day!, And clean the bottle with hot water and soap at least once a week. A wheel is a great item for your purchase> Hamster in the cage. S 'love is the wheel and the hamster is a good way for them to get the exercise they need. Another point that should be included in the cage is a morsel of stone, this will contribute to the health of the mouth hamsters and the length of the teeth and nails. Try also a way in. from case for your hamster to sleep
When more than one hamster, make sure to keep cages of males and females separately in different.This prevents many children around.