When the allergen particles coming into the linings of the eyes, nose or airways of a person likely to rest, can cause an allergic reaction. When the immune system has been sensitized to a specific invader, overreacts to the intruder, this overreaction to a harmless substance isknown as an unusual or allergic reaction.
This reaction sets in motion a series of reactions that culminates with the release of chemicals called mediators. Histamine is an example of a mediator. It is causing the effect of mediators on cells and tissues that cause the allergic symptoms. Dust mites are common indoor allergens. You can in most homes, mostly in the beds and bedding, upholstered furniture, fabric or material to find.
Often when people think they aresensitive to dust, are actually sensitive to mites and their debris and fragments of dust mites that are dead, which can be found in house dust. For some people, pets trigger allergic reactions. You can not only be of animals such as dogs, cats, gerbils, hamsters and other furry animals, without the development of unpleasant symptoms such as sneezing, stuffy nose, itchy eyes and asthma.
Contrary to what many believe an allergic reactionis not caused by an animal fur. An allergic reaction is actually from animal substances in saliva, urine, skin cells and mainly caused. Dander is dead skin flakes (like dandruff) that are released from the skin of the animal.
Allergens are licking the crust on the surface of the animal urine or skin of animals or scratch themselves or, when dry, due to allergens in the air, where they connect to other components of house dust. many differentSmall animals are popular as pets trigger allergic reactions. Animals such as dogs and cats are more likely to cause allergic reactions.
Birds can also cause reactions, although less frequently than other animals. Animals such as fish, reptiles and amphibians rarely cause allergic reactions. An allergic reaction can be one of these directly affect the animal can be activated, and in an area covered with the animal in an area covered with furniture, carpets,Sheets, curtains, clothing, animal bedding or cages, and ceilings and walls, on which animal is allergen landed.
Even in an area covered with another person whose clothes carry the allergen, cleaning kennels, cages or litter boxes and toys touch, sheets, towels or other objects that touched the animal.
Molds are a type of fungus that no stems, leaves or roots. Moulds for outdoor living, but can usually be found in almost all roomsEnvironment. They can trigger hay fever and asthma symptoms by releasing spores into the air and reproduce that float around until they find a hospitable environment. You can easily pass through the open doors and windows in the house, especially where the heat and excess moisture. And grow mold. many of us have a mold growing in a shower to see.
Mold is not always visible, but can grow in hidden areas of the house, such as floor coverings andbehind the walls. To grow, mold requires water, this liquid can be water, as if from a leaky pipe or roof, or a puddle, or condensation on windows. It also requires something to grow, and the mold is not picky when it is more likely to grow on wood, plasterboard or tissues.
As it grows, mold spores is more, many of which are part of the house dust. While the molds trigger allergic symptoms, like any other allergen, but can rarely cause serious health problems, except for peoplewho are severely immunocompromised or chemotherapy.
Most of us do not want insects in our house, to think, especially cockroaches, but they are a fact of life. If you're in a crowded urban area, the elderly living apartment or apartment building in a warm climate, as in the southern part of the United States, is almost certainly bugs that live in the house, even if you can not see. Cockroaches as wetlands where food is available.
Even if the kitchen is herFavorite room, you can find almost anywhere in the house. When they die, usually not in plain sight, their bodies decomposed and dried. These parts of the body, as well as their waste buckets, part of house dust.
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