Wednesday, February 02, 2011

How to Use Neat Idea Cubes As Rabbit Cages

Are you planning to buy a cage for your rabbit, but find the cost of a regular rabbit cage to be a bit expensive? I had a similar problem in the past. I asked advice from some of my friends who owned rabbits and they said I should try creating my own rabbit cage with the use of Neat Idea Cubes or NIC. 

NICs are wired squares with are used to make cubes. Cubes are usually stacked beside one another and on top of each other to serve as a cheap means of storage space. The idea sparked an interest in me because purchasing and assembling these cubes into the form of a cage would cost me much less than purchasing a regular cage. 

The first thing to do if you want to build an NIC cage is to purchase the NIC. These can be found in stores such as Wal-Mart and Sam's Club. You also need to buy a roll of electrical tape which you will use to tie the cubes together. The pack comes with connectors, but these do not hold the cube together well enough.

You also need to purchase some flooring, so that your rabbit won't keep stepping into the holes of your grilled cage. Be sure that you buy enough grills so that the cage you will build will be at least four times the size of your rabbit when it's all grown up. This might take a bit of guess work if your rabbit is still small. But bigger is always better. 

Keep in mind that you will also need to purchase a latch which you can install on one of the grills. This grill will then serve as the cage's door. It would be best to have one or two people to help you while you construct your cage. The cage will seem unsteady at first, but it will be solid once you have completed tying all the grills together and placing the flooring securely. 

If you are looking to purchase affordable and reliable rabbit cages then you should start purchasing and assembling NIC now.

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